Janus Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Titan God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings   Alignment: Neutral   LORE: One of the important deities of Roman religion was Janus, and while they have their beliefs on where he came from, I will give the account as it was written. When the age of Rome started, many started worshiping a new god, and god beginning and ends, a god of the duality of war and peace, and one honored by all gates of Rome. When Klidi was born none were allowed to know of her existence, and so the roman clever as they are created their own.  No one is quite sure how, but Janus works within the domain of Klidi, and was created by time himself to prevent people from discovery his daughter.  Janus has served this purpose faithfully for his entire existence, and even became was the predominant gods of the Roman age of Man. Honor the duration of time and growth within oneself. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: One would describe Janus as patient, one who observes the journey of mankind, and one who understands the duality of things. Evil and Good, Love and Hate, and Sorrow and Joy.   Ideals: Only through growth can we gain the wisdom needed to understand the duality in life and death.   Bonds: Jupiter, Juno, Annake, and Bellona.   Flaws: His neutral nature causes him to not interfere with things that he is capable of preventing.   Symbol: Dual face head   Worship:
  • Traverse the realms.
  • Use one of the Divine Gates
  • Discover the Deity of the Gate.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase:  Increase Charisma and Dexterity by 2.   The Gate:   The ability to access the doorways of Janus has been granted to you, and 3 times per long rest you can create the gate of Janus to teleport to any doorway (or gate) within the Crossroads.    Keep in mind that this can be prevented by spells, but for the most part the world or realm is yours to traverse.    
  • You can bring up to 8 willing creatures of your choice with you through the gate of Janus.
  • You can force an unwilling creature to enter the gate if they fail a charisma save equal to your patron DC.
Duality:  You are two of the infinite possibilities of your life within infinite alternate realities that exist.   With the DM's help you may get a second character sheet and design it to be a different class.   After the end of each long rest, you can choose which version of your character is active during that day.
  • Each version of yourself is aware of what the other did while they were in control.
  • You can switch once per day during combat, doing keeps your health the same, but ailments of the mind cease.
Power of the Key:   You create a wave of energy that travels for 120ft that is 10ft wide, all creatures within the area of this wave of energy must pass a dexterity save equal to your patron dc or take 6d6 non-elemental energy.   This wave travels through most solid objects, and as long as the object is less than 10ft deep, a portal will appear to take you to the other side of the object.   This process will last 1 minute, and you can continue through any doorway it makes.    Once use a long rest is required to use again.


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