Inanna Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility.     Alignment: Neutral   LORE:  There are few gods that have existed that have done as much as Inanna, the worship she receives has trickled down to her from stories told by other pantheons of other gods completing a task that she had already done.  Inanna is an impulsive god, and represents almost every human emotions, from love and wisdom to rage and vegenance.  It is in this duality that Inanna gains so much power.   From the destruction of the Moutain god Ebih, released the orginal plagues on mankind, caused the death of Enkidu, travels to the underworld and heavens, and gathered tablets of divine knowledge known as the Mes.  Inanna will use whatever power is needed to acomplish the task at hand, her arrival can only mean one thing....a new divine kingdom.  The Queen of the Heavens has arrived, her beutiful celestial wings will create the winds of change.  - Hekate   Personality Traits: Inanna eager and ambitious, she a seeker of power, and is known for her ever changing temperament.   Ideals:  Ambition is needed to be rule the heavens.   Bonds:  Nanna, Utu, Ningal, Anu, but make no mistake no bond will deter her goals.   Flaws:  The cost of her rise in power, is the destruction she left behind.   Symbol: Lion, 8 pointed star (venus), Rosette, The Dove, Crown of the Heavens in front of angellic wings.   Worship:
  • Particpate in the Hunt
  • Kill Banes
  • Defeat Drex
  • Defeat Xander
  • Accomplish feats worthy of her name.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase each ability score by 2   The Queen of the Heavens:  Being a patron of Inanna is not to be taken lightly, whatever task she has set you on will require you to be better than you could be with out her.  In order to aid you, any stat that is locked at a set value is unlocked allowing to increase your stats without being limited.   Patron of Inanna:  Inanna blesses you with the knowledge and strength to be the best version of yourself, when you take Inanna you gain one of the following blessing based of your class type.   Warrior (Figher, Barbarian):  As a warrior you right to glory is echoed through the Blessing of the Warrior:
  • When you roll health at level ups or during short rest, you can never gain less than the average in health, furthermore when short resting you use half the dice required. (You roll 10 health dice, it only cost 5)
  • You gain the ability to make an attack as a bonus action, must be with a melee weapon.
Zealot (Paladin, Monk, Cleric):  As the noble Zealot, your passion for your god is returned with a blessing of the Knight.
  • You gain the ability to use your reaction to create a shield around, this increases your AC by 5, and lowers damage taken by 10 for each patron level you have.  for the rest of the round, you gain advantage on saving throws from magic and patron skills.   You can use this feature as many times as your patron level.
  • When you make a saving throw, you always make it with your casting modifier instead of the intended modifier.
Slayer (Rogue, Ranger):  As the feared Slayer, your skill is bolstered by the Blessing of the Slayer.
  • When you make a melee or ranged melee attack and the creature is resistant or immune to your damage, you atleast deal the average on hit.
  • When you are about to be attacked by an aoe you can make an attack, on hit you can move half your movement away from the creature.
Mystic (Druid, Warlock, Sorc, and Wizard):  As a powerful caster, the ambition of Inanna bolsters your abilities with the Blessing of the Mystic.
  • When you cast a spell at a certain level, the spell cannot be ignored by a creatures magical immunities based off level of spell.  Ie if a creature is immune to level 1-5 spells, they are not with this blessing.
  • When you cast a spell as an action (not a cantrip), you can cast a cantrip as a bonus action.


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