Heroic Hierarchies Rank/Title in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Heroic Hierarchies

The Crossroads first and foremost is where legends are made, and the heroic deeds of the realm provide enough worship to keep the gods of old strong and powerful.   The Greeks have always had their legendary heroes, these heroes performed feats that echoed across eternity and their names became symbiotic with immortality.    From the Trojan war to journey of Odysseus these legends serve to inspire people to be more, and when times are dire rise to the occasion.   Not everyone can be a Perseus or a Heracles, but not everyone needs to be.   The desire to be the next legendary hero created a situation where these warriors were claiming to be as grand as others, or people will placing them on a pedestal that they did not earn.     Once again the mortal kingdoms were tasked with developing a hierarchy of heroic deeds, to help identify the ranks of the warriors of the realm.    This is both to create prestige in accomplishing task, and to prevent people from embellishing their feats.   It should be noted that term hero is used to describe warriors that complete feats of extreme challenge and renown.   It is not used to describe a good person, because even evil people can accomplish a task that benefits the realm.   that doesn't mean that their intentions was noble, but it had a secondary effect of helping others or building their renown.  Good or Evil these feats are meant to honor the warriors name, and give credit where it is do.

Heroic Titles:

These titles are placed at the end of names (Example Unknown "The Epsilon"    The Epsilon:  These are the ranks of new patrons that have earned a Patron in life or death.  They are described with being above and beyond the typical mortal, and can with teem defeat low rank monsters.  They have little or know fame or glory, but have the potential to be great.
  • Typically the feats were acquired from helping a small settlement or defeating a large beast.
  • Can be acquired from being middle rank soldier.
  • People with this rank can accept local bounties.
The Delta:    This rank symbolize those who have done some amount of difficult task, perhaps saved a village.   This is given for doing an Heroic feat against other strong mortals or completing a task or bounty given by people of power.  Typically the task is menial and is only given to you, because higher ranks do not feel the task fits their prestige.    
  • As a team defeat a weaker legendary creature
  • Gain work from factions or settlement leaders
  • Allows you to take up work with a faction if they are willing to hire you.
  • You are sought after by smaller settlements if you are in the area.
The Gamma:   This rank is for warriors that proved their mettle to factions and local leaders, they are trusted to handle bigger task, and possibly could take out the Legendary Erymanthian Boar.   This rank has multiple lower difficulty feats accomplished, and has built a reputation for success.
  • Typically the warrior is at least rank II Patron.
  • Allows you to get greater and more difficult task of the realm.
  • People in regions where you have worked might know you by name.
  • The Training camps across the realm may start to train you.
The Beta:   This is the rank where warriors are fighting legendary creatures of lower and middle strength, they are capable of fighting certain heroes, and typically have other titles given by people of power.    This is where are warriors start to see the hidden dangers of the realm, some may even have fought in wars on behalf of Rulers and fractions.
  • Must be Rank III Patron
  • As a team you might be able to defeat the Minotaur or Hydra.
  • Your group can fight most high end faction members.
  • Your fame may have people of cities recognize you or assign you nicknames.
  • The Palace of Radiance may seek you out to aid you in growing further.
  • Threat Level District.
The Alpha:   You are the top dog of the mortal realm, you have fought some of the most dangerous monsters of the realm and lived to tell the tale, you are approaching the status of Achilles and Perseus in the eyes of the people.   The Alpha generally find themselves enjoying the luxuries of life, and train for more of the higher end of creatures and glory of the realm.
  • Must be rank IV Patron
  • As a team or a group you could possibly defeat Echidna, a low rank giant, or and can stand toe to toe with the Guardians.
  • This is where you start taking quest to fight Banes, Wyrms, and Praetors.
  • Factions leader and Rulers will hand out Contract Quest or will be assigned one.
  • You are treated as nobles in cities across the realm.
  • Threat Level City
The Omega:   The End of all things starts with you, their are not many creatures that can stand and face you, and your life is filled with the glory that comes with success.  You have accomplished task that people couldn't even dream of.   You have saved cities, influential people, fought banes, and slayed wyrms.   If you have not already completed you contract quest, you will be assigned a quest of legend.  People know you are Omega rank, but your title is given to you by your peers and/or god.   Whole cities could crumble to your might.
  • Must be Rank V Patron
  • You are fighting things like The Eminence, The Cold Flame, Ryrvurth, Ardym, Remus and/Romulus, Children of Creation, and Leviathan with a group.
  • Factions, Rulers, Divine Rulers, and other gods may seek you out to aid them.
  • You are treated above all other titles and the Equal to the Grandmaster.
  • Threat Level Nation
The Fated Ones:  If you have not received your contract quest or already have completed your quest, you might have reached the level of Legendary Figure.   Your rank is equal to a Divine Apprentice and the Grand Priest.  Legends are known by everyone in the realm, and monitored closely by rulers, factions, and Gods.   Typically your quest has 1 of 6 possible options.   Each extremely difficult for even the gods to accomplish, you are the power behind the gods will, and the realm will never be the same after that.
  • Rank V Patron
  • Working With a Primordial Deity.
  • Capable of Defeating or Surviving Drex, Diamond, Typhon, Enceladus, The Sword God, or Exodus with a group.
  • You are treated as a though you are threat, and in most cases have your power reduced back to Omega Level or are granted Godhood.
  • Threat Level Realm
Special Note:  Legendary Heroes can be of any rank and typically will always be remembered.

Threat Levels

Threat levels is used to determine the amount of damage that can be done very easily by the Hero. 
  • District:  Could easily destroy a small settlement or District of large City.
  • City:  Could bring down a very large city with ease.
  • NAtion:   Could easily bring the end of entire nation of people, to the point that it will never recover.
  • Realm:  The Actions of this group either directly or indirectly could cause the end of the Crossroads.

Notable People of Rank:

Mainly used for examples.   The Fated Ones:
  • Ku Duagther of Vondreyel the Unvavring Light
  • Yohie God of Light
  • Jado "The Wind"
  • Nazak "The Mountain"
  • Yoshi "The humble Healer"
  • Perseus
  • Xander
The Omega:
  • Maddilyn
  • Fateliss
  • Achillies 
  • The judge Malachi
  • Guardian of Tartarus Ren
  • Alexander
  • Octavian of Rome
  • Grave "The Justice Bringer"
  • King Midas
  • Ryena "The Athena Polias"
The Alpha
  • Autolycus "the Ghost"
  • Sybil Daughter of Nazak
  • Alecta "The Machinist"
  • Scrion "The Pirate Lord"
  • Grogos "The Great Queen"
  • Beatrix "The Athena Nike"
  • The Pirate Lords
The Beta:
  • Nimune and Amune
  • Senator Theseus
  • Marietta "The Puppeteer"
Teh Gamma:
  • Nyxiess of the Ivory Pony
  • Clarence 1st Mate of Blackbeard.


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