Hermes Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Messenger of the Gods, God of Roads, Heralds, Diplomacy, Travelers, and Thieves     Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral   LORE:  The former esteemed servant to Zeus, since retired. He is the ruler of Thebes, and due to his loyalty to Zeus he alone rules this city the way he wants to. He patron of all that are lost, and need found…as well of those that found and need to hide. He is not known to takes sides the politics of city, if the people remember that part of the fun of living is to break the laws, the other part is not being caught. Do not get caught, or the ruling mortal family will have you jailed and punished. His high guard is named Beatrix…best to not cross her. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Friendly to all visitors, he enjoys the idea of rogues and thieves. Shady for sure, honest to a fault, and bit of showboat.   Ideals: Travel, Steal, and enjoy. What is life without risk.   Bonds: Zeus, The Half Pints, and Beatrix.   Flaws: His way of living makes it hard for people to trust him.   Symbol: Caduceus the Herald's Wand.   Worship:
  • Travel, explore, steal, perform, and live.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase dexterity to +4. May choose advantage in either Sleight of Hand, Survival, Stealth, Perception, Performance, or Persuasion.   The Traveler: Divine Artifact This walking stick is a Caduceus and has his symbol all over it.  It almost looks like it was styled to look warn down, or perhaps it is warn down.   It is the travelers walking stick and carries a bountiful secret within.  This artifact grants you the following benefits.
  • While on Land you are able to locate the path to any settlement you are aware of.   If you are not aware of the settlement, then you have advantage on survival check to locate shelter.
  • You gain advantage on persuasion or deception rolls used to gain access to a city.   This does not guarantee success.
  • The walking stick has a small pouch on it, that is capable of holding 200 lbs of items.   Items cannot be bigger than what can go into a knapsack.
  • You know where the hidden shop is in a city, if there is one to be found.
The Masterful Thief: You are working with the god of thieves, best you learn the trade. What better way to be good at being thief than have the best sup-plies? You may choose 2 items off this list:
  • Hermes Thieves Kit:  A thieves kit that supply the materials in a thieves kit, it magical refills at the end of a long rest.
  • Winged boots:   Increase movement by 15, and allows the user to move their movement into the sky before returning back to the ground.
  • Master Forger Kit:  Copies the exact document you wish to forge once per day.
  • The Glove of Hermes: The last item you touch returns to you at the end of the day.   Once used, the gloves disappear from the users grasp as hermes found his gloves.
  • The Skeleton Key:  Unlocks any lock once, then disappears.


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