Heracles Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Hero of the 12 labors and son of Zeus     Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral   LORE: All have heard the tale of Heracles and the 12 labors. Zeus is not a faithful man, and Heracles was the straw that broke the camel’s back. A son destined to be stronger than any of her children, and that is before he was a god. She killed his family, friends, and punished anyone that helped Heracles. Rightfully, he hates this woman, but to all our surprise, after godhood he became a vain and arrogant deity. He spends his days collecting on all his fame and is known to side with anyone that will punish Hera. He went from a humble Mortal to an arrogant god. There is no being stronger than Heracles in strength, but strength is not enough, and he was killed by someone that used that against him. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Friendly, Arrogant, Vain, and Proud. To insult his legacy is to die.   Ideals: I am the Prized son of Zeus, his favored child, I should be ruling the Crossroads.   Bonds: Heracles, Zeus, and his wife Eris.   Flaws: His rash arrogant behavior is his downfall.   Symbol: The Club   Worship:
  • Disrupt all of Hera’s Plans


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase:
  • Increase your Strength Score to 24, and Dexterity +2
The Nemean Hide: Divine Artifact. This hide is made of the Lion from the 12 labors and is impenetrable that user takes.  This armor grants the user the following benefits:
  • Advantage on Strength based checks and saves.
  • You are immune to Critical Strikes
  • You gain the ability to nullify the damage on an Attack or AoE.  Must be called before dice is rolled and once used it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.
The Olive Wood Club: Weapon (Great Club), legendary (requires attunement). You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Damage is 2d8+Strength   This club is simple but elegant, made from the wood of an Olive Tree, it has a simple leather handle. This weapon is treated as a siege weapon.  While wielding using this weapon you gain the following benefits:
  • Heraclean Strength:  Bonus action to add a strength check to the weapons damage.
  • Powerful Swing:   You can use your bonus action to double your strength modifier on hit, and if the target fails a strength save they are knocked back 20ft and are considered prone.
  • Stunning Club:   If you hit a critical strike the target must make a Constitution save or be stunned until the start of your next turn.
Proficiency with a club allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


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