Heimdall Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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One of the Aesir Gods and the Watchman of the gods.   Alignment: Lawful Good   LORE:  The Gods have forgotten themselves and are behaving in a matter equivalent to a child misbehaving.   Heimdall has watched to long from his palace Himinbjörg, the sky cliffs, and its time for their to be retribution for this behavior.   Working with the former primordial Aether, and the forgotten gods Iremia, and Klidi, Heimdall has come to keep and eye on the Crossroads.  Too many new gods are showing up, and the primordial want to prevent a war between pantheons.   Any Gods that attempt to cause a war will be dealt with, by the All Father, there shall be no war.  . —Hecate.   Personality Traits:  Heimdall is a patient man, always watching and listening.   He is known to be just, and one of the few gods of the Norse Pantheon that Aether has broke bread with.      Ideals:  Patience and Vigilance    Bonds: Odin, Thor,  Klidi, Irmeia, and Aether.   Flaws: His belief in keeping the peace can lead to war.   Symbol: Gjallarhorn   Worship:
  • Stand Vigilant, learn to master the art of listening and seeing versus speaking.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Wisdom+2 Dex+1 (initiative becomes minimum of +0 before other features of Heimdall)   The Watchers of Gods: You gain benefits that will allow you to be more perceptive and be prepared for the coming conflict.   Heimdall offers you the following benefits:
  • Enhanced Sight:  You gain the following enhancements to your vision.  True Sight for 30ft, Blindsight for 30ft, and Darkvision for 120ft.
  • The Observant One:   You gain eh ability to read the lips of a creature that is speaking a language that you know.   
  • Awareness:   You can't be surprised by most creatures while you are conscious and enemies cannot have advantage on on you due to be unseen.   You gain +5 to initiative rolls, and this can not be paired with any feat that increases initiative. 
  • The Watcher:  You gain the ability to attack individuals with a reaction that move away from you, doing so reduces their speed to 0.   This cannot be avoid by disengage or misty step.
  • The vigilant:  You can take watch and get a long rest at the same time.   While in this form you can only watch and listen, anything else and the rest ends.
Bilrost Sentry: With the duty of sentry for your people you are the first to defend. You may use a reaction to rush to the frontline and engage an enemy that is attacking one of your allies, becoming the target of the first attack instead of allies.   If the enemy moves past you this round you may make an opportunity attack as part of same reaction.
  • Sneak attack/Assassinate do not apply in this fashion.
Gjallarhorn:   As an Action, you may call on Heimdall's symbol to grant allies the effect of Foresight for 2 rounds.  The resounding noise goes across realms alerting allies and enemies of the encounter. Upon sounding this deafening call enemies in a 120 ft. cone and enemies must pass dexterity save as the sound erupts.  Enemies that fail the save take 5d8 force damage and winded or half as much on success.  Further more the call emboldens allies doubling their movement for the round and hinders enemies that attempt to join the fight.
  • Can only be used once per long rest.


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