Gilgamesh Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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(Gilgamesh- Sumerian God of the Journey, Heroes, and Epics)   Alignment: Chaotic Good   LORE: His Epic is the most famous and oldest epic of all known history. His Journey made this divine child a full fledge god, and his pow-ers are not to be trifled with. Those who follow him are expected to make their own journey an epic. They say achillies got his inspiration from Gilgamesh and set off the be as famous as him. His best friend was and always will be Enkidu. —Hecate Personality Traits: He is 1-part savage, and 3 parts calm, caring, and compassionate.   Ideals: To be a hero you must understand your journey. No matter how hard it gets, make your journey your own and make it so epic that you your legend lives on.   Bonds: Enkidu, Priest, Destin, and Achilles   Flaws: None known   Symbol: The Bull and Lion   Worship: The Journey: Make your own epic and try to experience all that Gilgamesh has.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: +1 to each ability score   The Journey:   Taking the Journey is the first step in the Epic of your life. Will you be remembered or will you be forgotten to the sands of time. The Great King Gilgamesh will help you be remembered by granting you blessing that will make your journey worthy of being told. Every 4 levels you may choose a blessing from the Gilgamesh.  
  • Blessing of Vitality: When you level, you gain your patron level in health in addition to your rolls, furthermore you can never roll health or hit dice less than the average possible to gain in health.
  • Blessing of the Bull: You have advantage on strength saving throws and checks, as bonus action when you move you do not take oppurtunity attacks.
  • Blessing of the Great King: You are immune to charm, dominate, and modify memory, the epic is told by you, no one else.
  • Blesssing of the First Hero The Modifer used with your patron skills is increased by your twice your patron level. (For Primary Damage only)
  • Blessing of the First Demi-God: You are able to succeed one saving throw without rolling, recharges with a short rest.
  • Blessing of Uruk: Once per long rest, you can summon the wall of Uruk as bonus action, doing so reduce the damage of AOE ability by half.
  • Blessing of the Epic: Should you die in combat, you will rise again in 7 days, should you not have a body, you rise in Uruk
Blessing of Enkidu:  Enkidu was the greatest ally Gilgamesh has ever known, after every long rest, choose a member of your party to gain the blessing of Enkidu. The Blessing offers the following effects:
  • You can speak telepathially to the target within 30ft.
  • You always know the location of the Target.
  • The targets criticacl range is reduced by 1, and critical damage is maxed.
  • You can teleport the target to you as a reaction, as long as they are within 120ft.
  • They gain 1 of your blessing of the journey. (must be one you possses, ends at the start of a long rest, and cannot be the blessing of the epic.)


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