Epimetheus Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Titan god of Afterthought and Excuses   Alignment:  Chaotic Evil   LORE: They say gods are above men, because they have an understanding that mortals could never have. This is true is some cases, but if god's’ deeds are greater, their failures are as well. Prime example is Epimetheus, the god of afterthought and excuses. He and his brother Prometheus were charged with helping mankind, and while Prometheus had a grand plan… his brother wasted all the resources before the work could get done. This caused him to suffer for his mistakes, and made his brother, who loved mankind, steal fire from the gods. He is forever trying to regain his former glory and status and blames his brother for not sharing his plans. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: A bit of talker, irresponsible, reckless, and has no honor in his word. Quick to blame others for his shortcomings.   Ideals: The only mistake a person can make is trusting others to help you.   Bonds: Pandora, Clymene   Flaws: Does not take responsibility for his actions.   Symbol: Gold plated campfire.   Worship:
  • Help me regain my glory


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma +4, Constitution +2, -intelligence -2. Gain advantage on deception.   It Wasn’t Me:
  • 1st Level Conjuration
  • Casting Time: Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instant
When you attack an enemy with melee or magic, and the enemy decides to retaliate against you, you may choose to have them attack one of your allies instead.  if the enemy fails a wisdom save they will instead attack an ally of your choice.   When they attack your ally they realize they wanted to attack you instead and miss, and are overcome by frustration of this afterthought and take 1d10+mod in psychic damage.   Damage increase by 1d10 for each level above 1st.   Afterthought: Should you miss something important or forget to do something, you can use this feature to attempt to remember what it was. The Dm will have you roll a history check should you beat your patron dc; he will explain. Alternatively, the DM may use this feature to remind you later. Up to DM digression


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