Enyo Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Daemon Goddess of War.     Alignment:  Neutral   LORE: Better known by her roman name Bellona, Enyo is the female counterpart of Aries the god of War. While not as strong as Aries, she is extremely gifted in all forms of combat. This includes Melee, Ranged, and Magical combat. She is quite accustomed to all. This can make her quite dangerous to those who cross her. For the most part, she spends her time training people to a new class. She does so for a price. Athena is quite unsettled by Enyo, as she knows at one-point Enyo defeats her, and she will never let that happen again. The best strategy is to be friends with Enyo. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: She is a soldier, and general. She both gives orders and takes them. She reserved, brave, and shows no fear.   Ideals: A Soldier lives to serve.   Bonds: Aries, Athena, Atlas, and Lupa.   Flaws: Does not take responsibility for his actions.   Symbol: Phalanx   Worship:
  • None


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: 4 ability score increases to place where you would like.   Bootcamp: Acception Enyo as your utility God saves you the cost of switching classes by paying her, and grants you the following benefits:
  • A Feat of your choice.
  • Increased Damage:  You gain an extra dice on your attack be it magical or melee.
  • Increased Skill:  Your DC goes up by 2 on skills or magic.
  • Language Proficiency:  Gain the ability to learn a new language.
  • Weapon Proficiency:  Gain Proficiency in a weapon of your choice


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