Echo Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Oreiad-nymph of Mount Kithairon     Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE: Ever heard of Greek Tragedy? Well this one is called the Tragedy of Echo and plays out like this. Born a bit of talker, Hera cursed her for distracting her from watching Zeus. Now only able to communicate by echo-ing the words of others, she fled to Pans forest. He did not seem to mind and gave her a place to collect herself. Once she was confident, she found she had love for a man name Narcissus. He spurned her for her advances, and she wasted away. Her spirit was reborn in Pans forest and there she remains. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Shy, prefers not to talk, uneasy, and selective in who she talks to.   Ideals: Not to endanger herself with her own desires.   Bonds: Pan, Rhea, Leopold   Flaws: Hiding from her pain does not cure it.   Symbol: None     Worship:
  • Make yourself heard


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma +4, gain expertise in performance, and proficiency with nature.   Echo:
  • 1st Level Evocation
  • Casting Time: Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instant
The trauma of the pain you received is returned to the person that caused it.   As a reaction when you take damage, you return a portion of that pain as psychic damage on it.   A echo of pain that deals 1d8+Mod in psychic damage, and enemies that fail a wisdom save take half the damage caused by this at the end of their targets turn.
  • Enemies maintaining concentration must pass a concentration check or the effect ends.
  • Enemies taht currently received buffs must pass a concentration check or the effect ends.
Increase damage by 1d8 for each level above 1st.   Blessing of the Earth Nymph: Once per day, you may call upon Echo to transform you into an earth nymph. During this time, you gain the benefits of the Earth Nymph for 8hrs. You gain Proficiency in Survival and can speak to plants and animals.


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