Drex/Shade Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


God of Creation Magic and Shade     Alignment: Evil   LORE: Ever the Patient is one side, and ever the unyielding wrath is the other.  My oldest son has two sides to him and he responsible for the deaths of many heroes.  He is a student of Chaos and enjoys the idea of ruling overall all other gods.  The shade part of him just wants to conquer by brute force, and could probably do it, but the other side of him chooses a more tactical approach. Drex will spend as much time as it takes to make sure everything is in place for his success. Creating magic to do his bidding. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Bipolar, Sadistic, Clever, Intelligent, and creative.   Ideals: Those who have power should use it, those who lack it should earn it or die.   Bonds: She is dead, and he killed her.   Flaws: Shade is the flaw of Drex, and vice versa.   Symbol: Red Eyes   Worship:
  • Create your own power and conquer.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Intelligence by +4 (Drex) Increase Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma by 4 (Shade).   Dedication and Preparation (Drex): When you use this skill you spend your entire time researching and preparing whatever task is before you.   You are not able to do anything outside of this, and any distraction will end your ability to use this skill.   This skill provides the following:
  • Expertise in Arcana, Investigation, Perception, and History.
  • You have 3 uses of Detect, Dispel, and/or Identify Magic.
  • YOu have 1 use of legend lore or comprehend language.
Creation of Magic Drex:  Taking drex allows you to make spells using the book of creation.  This requires the player to work with the dm to make spells.  Dedication and Preparation i required to do this.   Creation Magic (Drex & Shade): The DM may choose a variety of spells from the Book of Creation to aid you, they do not count as prepared or known spells and can be cast a certain amount of times per day.   Red Eye Wrath (Shade): When you are attacked you may immediately attack back as a reaction dealing maximum damage.  Creatures that are reduced to 0 by this attack are disintegrated and cannot be revived.    Conjuration of Cruelty (Shade) You acquired the ability to conjure weapons out of magic to utilize in combat.   Each weapon you conjure is spectral red and appear to be designed to invoke cruelty and pain, below is the weapons you can conjure and the effects they do.
  • Corrosive Fate:   You smash down on an enemy dealing 2d6+Str in slashing damage, enemies that fail a dexterity save take 3d6 acid damage as the glass bulb in the center of the blade shatter hitting any target within 10ft.  For the next round any creature walks onto it take 3d6 acid damage. 
  • Skull of Wither:   You swing a mighty maul made of necrotic magic dealing 2d6+Str bludgeoning damage, enemies hit by this must pass a wisdom save or their maximum health will wither down by 2d6 each round.
  • Claw of Agony:   You conjure horrific war pick and strike down on an enemy dealing 1d8+Strength in piercing damage.  While the pick is lodged in the enemy that must pass a constitution save or take 3d6 poison damage when they attack. Failure they will fail to attack.
  • Despair:   When you are attacked by magic spell, you may use your reaction to attack the enemy if within 30ft.    On hit the target takes 1d4+Dexterity in slashing damage and the target must make a concentration check, on failure the spell explodes in their face taking half the damage.
  • Desolation:   You strike down with a massive hammer dealing 1d8+Str in bludgeoning damage.  Enemies that fail a strength save are knock prone.  Enemies that go prone have a magic seal placed on them by the hammer.   If they stand up the seal break dealing 4d8 non-elemental damage as they get knocked prone once again.


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