Deimus Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The God of Terror and Dread     Alignment:  Neutral Evil   LORE:  One of the two children of Aphrodite and Aries, they were born to be as corrupt as their parents. Fear and Terror ironically are present in love and war. A long time ago in the battle of Troy, he and his brother tormented Hector the night before he fought Achilles. You can find them with their father in any conflict he is participating or tormenting you he-roes and civilians. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: In war times he is evil, sadistic, loyal to only his family. Outside of war, he is always fine tuning is skills.   Ideals: Fear shows who a person really is.   Bonds: Aries, Aphrodite, and Phobos.   Flaws: His attempts to frighten and terrorize heroes has made him an enemy to many of the gods that aid those heroes.   Symbol: A frightened Head.   Worship:
  • Terrorize your enemies to where their fear breaks them


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Dexterity and Charisma by 2 and gain advantage on intimidation checks and saves from fear and shaken.   Terrifying Presence: All enemies that can see you must make a wisdom save equal to your patron DC.  If they fail, they are Shaken for 1 minute and if they move in your direction, their movement speed is halved.   Creatures that succeed on the save or are immune to fear/shaken are immune to this skill.  
  • Can be used once per long rest.
Terror and Dread: Weapon (2 Hand Axes), legendary (requires attunement). 
  • You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Damage of Dread is 1d6+Dex Poison.
  • Damage of Terror is 1d6+Dex Acid.
These two hand axes are made of Celestial gold, at the end of the of the edge there is a coating of poison (dread) and acid (terror). When you hit with each one, they do the damage corresponding to each one.  The weapons' radiant a feeling of dread and terror and provide the following effects:
  • Aura of Terror:  As a bonus action you thrust the axe into a solid object and it radiates an aura of Terror, enemies can not willing move in the direction of this axe without passing a wisdom save at the start of their turn.   If a creature starts, moves into, or ends its turn in this Aura they take 2d6 Acid damage each round, and non magical items are disintegrated by the Aura.
  • Aura of Dread:  As a bonus action you thrust the axe into a solid object and it radiates an aura of dread.   Enemies that start, move into, or ends in the Aura must pass a constitution save or be considered level 2 poisoned and shaken.


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