Clymene Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Titan Goddess of Fame and Renown   Alignment: Neutral Evil   LORE: War is not just one on the battlefield of war, but by the words and stories of the brave. Propaganda is a beautiful way to manipulate the masses This the realm of the titan goddess Clymene. A faithful servant to Kronus and a loving wife to his brother Iapetus. Many wars are changed by the renown of those who excel in amazing feats. She will tell their stories, with a twist…that makes it sound great for the titan king. —Hecate. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: This titan goddess is meticulous in her craft, and her pride is shown with execution of campaigns.  She believes convincing people is very analytical, and that if the right people are convinced the rest will follow.   She is highly creative and persuasive in the propaganda and stories.   Ideals: There is but one age that was considered Golden. Rejoice the titan king blesses thee.   Bonds: Iapetus, Atlas, The pillars of Kronus, and Kronus himself..   Flaws: Her Stories cost people lives, always eager to impress the titan king.   Symbol: Parchment   Worship:
  • Give credit to great events to the titan king.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Strength and Charisma by 2 and gain expertise is persuasion.    Divine Inspiration: Your words carry weight and praise, and able to inspire even those who are willing and able to try to achieve success. 
  • When an ally within 30ft fails an attack, ability, skill, or save roll, you can use your reaction to have them succeed.  If the task is clearly impossible this skill has no effect.
  • Cantrip enchantment
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour
Your words carry weight and may twist what people believe they saw or heard. When attempting to deceive or persuade, you may use reaction to cast this spell. Casting this spell convinces the target that what you are saying is true.
  • The lie can only last 1 hour
  • Does not require concentration, but you must remain within range.
  • When someone one is trying to convince the effect target, they must pass wisdom save or continue to believe the lie.
  • This is not considered a charm.
At higher levels you can use this to convince 2 more people per spell level.


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