Boreas Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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God of the North Wind and Winter   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE: There is a god of winter season, but there is one that fully represents the power of the cold. Cold winds cause hypothermia and frostbite and takes both seasoned and novice explorer’s lives. Winter is beautiful and dangerous, which is why we had Khione, he left his duties to her. She represents both of those features quite well. His has palace is in mountains of Crete. Occasionally you will see him bother Aeolus about how things use to be done as wind gods. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: A little senile and knows it. He is enjoying that old people life. He is known to show the coldness that made him a nightmare to travelers.   Ideals: The brave are just idiots with spunk, be the prepared instead.   Bonds: Khione, Aeolus, Amphitrite, and Hestia.   Flaws: He is very proud, but never raised Khione to know what to do.   Symbol: The North Wind   Worship:
  • Remind people that the winter wind takes the ill prepared.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Dexterity 1 and Constitution by 3,    Fly: Once per long rest you may use fly to fly at your movement speed for 1 hour.   Winter's’ Edge: Weapon (Scimitar or Shortsword), legendary (requires attunement).
  • You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
  • Damage is 1d6+Dex Slashing
  • Secondary Damage is 2d6 Ice Damage
  • Gain immunity to frostbite and hypothermia.
The Blade looks like it is made of Ice and has blue hilt. If you were to touch the blade it would cause frostbite immediately. Has symbol of Boreas on it. Once pe long rest you may attempt to freeze the enemy for one round (bonus action to add effect. If the enemy fails a Strength save (16) it is frozen until the start of your next turn.   Proficiency with a scimitar allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.   The North Wind:
  • 5th level conjuration
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: Self 30 ft radius
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Requires Concentration
You call upon the Northwind to summon a bone chilling wind current, this wind flows around you with a radius of 30ft and enemies that fail a constitution save take 4d6 ice damage and 4d6 wind damage or half as much on a successful save. Each round enemies that start, end, or move into the radius of the wind must make a constitution save or take the damage. Enemies that fail the save twice are frostbitten, and any enemy that fails it three times are frozen solid.   Damage is increased 1d6 for each level above 5th.


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