Belbrooke Settlement in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Belbrooke is the city state to on west end of Athens, it was designed with the purpose of protecting Athens in a way best suited for the inhabitants that live there. It is one of the most heavily forested areas near Athens and even the Aegis wall is difficult to see from the tree line.   During times of War or danger to Athens, the hymn changes to frightful concoction made from Pan, which warns anyone daring to endanger the Castrum that death is the only thing to be gained. It is said that this hymn awakens the wild into a more powerful primal form and even the trees come to life to protect the Castrum. If anyone were able to make it past the castrum from Belbrooke, the Ithil, The Huntress, The Wyrm Terra, and Gaia's Guardian would summon a thick forest that gets thicker as you travers towards Athens. The very Air your breath and sounds you hear will contort reality, and the whole of mother earth would swallow you. Everything that you would ever hope to gain, would be gone and all that would be left is the cold reality of Death, and an unforgiving judgement in Erebus.   The leadership of Belbrooke is run by the people of the Wild, with Archon Calisto at the front. She works with the Ithil, Centaurs, Saytrs, and Huntresess to protect and manage the city. The area primarily inhabited by the Elves, with Satyrs, Centaurs, Nymphs, Pixies, and Fairies making up a small portion. Few other humanoid races can find sanctuary here, because of the constant fear of the Hymn playing. It unsettles those that do not embrace the wild and is not heard by those that due. The shrines located within the grounds are dedicated to deities of the wild, and Gaia is the most important one within the area. The people live along side the beast of the land, and most can even speak with them.   Notable Locations:   The Castrum Primeval: The massive fortress within Belbrooke that houses the Gate of Wisdom to make it pass the Aegis Walll. The castrum itself serves one purpose, to protect Athens, the interior of the castrum is full of trees, streams, ponds, and various other gifts from nature. The Agora is made up from carts that people have brought into the area, and there are no buildings within the massive structure. All matters of wildlife reside within the wall of Castrum Primeval, but during times of peace they slumber. A beautiful hymn can be heard while within 15 miles of the Castrum, letting travelers know the state of Belbrooke..   The Agora: Located out the front of Casturum Primaeval, there are carts that take the place of shops, where The Ithil sell their goods to travelers. When the night comes, they move their carts within the walls and find a home in one of the many tree-formed homes within Belebrooke.   Pan-Demic: The local tavern and bar within Belbrooke, it's located within an exceptionally large tree trunk, and serves some of the more natural beverages of the realm. There are a lot of berry made alcohols on the menu, and outside of fish, they serve no meat.   The Heart of Wild: This area is dedicated to the gods of the wild and is home to the temple/shrines of the earth deities. The largest shrines are dedicated to Gaia and Pan, and smaller shrines are dedicated to Artemis, Demeter, Leto, Rhea, Cybele, and Antheia. The area is an open meadow with various natural shrines, made from trees and earth sung into exitances rather than built.   Moonhunter Outpost: The camp of the Moonhunters, Loxo uses Belbrooke as a forward operating base to Athens and trains her unit to blend in with civilized society by sending them into Athens. The massive elk they ride graze nearby and are seen sleeping next to beast companions of the huntresses. The tents are arranged in a fasion the is uninviting to all the denizens of Belbrooke.   Archway of Terra: A beautiful gate made by Gaia to allow her people to traverse to their homelands, it also allows the traversing to the fey realm.
Population: 12,000 (90% Elven, 15% Persian, and 10% other races).   Divine Kingdom: The Patriarchy
  • Leader: Zeus
Mortal Kingdom: None, Belongs to Athens.
  • Archon Calisto
Government: Archon Calisto is the in charge of this City-State, she reports directly to Asteria, who reports to Athena. The government is an absolute monarchy, with a system Archons that govern city-states.   Economy: The economy of Belbrooke is provided by trade, the Elven kingdom of Raelune uses Belbrooke as a trade outpost, and they trade with the surrounding settlements. Most of the economy is provided by the city of Athens, as they are paid to protect Athens from harm.

Notable People:

  Archon Calisto "Daughter of Calypso": Calisto the former lieutenant of the Huntress, was chosen by Athena has the voice of the Wild protecting Athens. With the Approval of Artemis, she stepped down from her duties as a huntress to oversee the protection of Belbrooke. An omega level warrior, she is quite formidable in combat, tracking, and hunting. Her companion Caelus is a Praetor with earthen green fur, which was gifted to her by Lupa to aid in the protection of Belbrooke. She is the Wife of Archon Yohie, and mother to The Virtue Esmerelda, Dr. Law of the Doctors Guild, Nova "The Heir to the sun", and Benny Maru "The Erythros Asteras".   Lieutenant Dírhael: Born Ithil in Raelune, he derived a great purpose in discovering his True Name. He saw images of Belbrooke in flames and requested to aid Calisto in the defense of the City-State. He manages the Castrum and City while Calisto is away with other duties, and commands the unit Terran Legion, the main forces of the Castrum. He and Caelus ensure the safety of Calisto and the city state.   Diana "The Guardian of Gaia": The Guardian of Mother earth herself, she sits above an Omega Level warrior, and was exalted before Vondreyel arrived in the Crossroads. She owes no loyalty to Vondreyel, but all her loyalty to Gaia. Her Wyrm Terra "The Wild", is a massive forest Great Wyrm, that can meld into the earth or sore upon the sky. Diana abilities allow her to transform the land to stop invaders and can use skills from any deity of nature.   Loxo "The Moon Huntress": The leader of the Moon hunters, the elite unit of the Huntress of Artemis. She is an Omega Level Hunter like Calisto, with expertise in archery, infiltrations, espionage, and destabilization. She helps protect Belbrooke, but her primary purpose is training her forces to blend in with the citizens of Athens. Teaching them how to destabilize the region and return it to the wild. Though she wouldn't do this to Athens, there is a lot of debate on Athena allowing her to use Athens to perfect this trait. Legend states that Minos built a city hidden in the woods near Athens, and Loxo brought the city to rubble, with no survivors, it is not confirmed.   Kelimbrie "Long Shot":  She is described as an average height female, with on gold eye and one silver, she wears armor that shifts between the assorted colors of the wild.  Known as the Champion of the Ki court, she came to Belbrooke for glory and power, but in this quest found a home.  She is a brilliant archer, and they call her "Long Shot", because she might have the longest shot with a bow ever recorded.  As a patron of Artemis, she is being groomed for joining the huntress.  Her beautiful panther Torix, is large enough for her to use as a mount.


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