Aura Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Titan Goddess of the calm breeze.     Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, but has tendencies that are evil   LORE:  Gods are not perfect nor or are they just good or just evil. One God is forever warned to never approach the wild, as Dionysus will be attacked on sight. A long time ago, he raped the is goddess named Aura, and for-ever she will be broken. She pleaded for him to be punished…but it never came to be. Artemis hearing plight warned all the gods that she is sacred to her from now on and should anyone dare mess with Aura…the wild will consume them. Aura is really a sweet girl, but in her brokenness, she hurts or kills all who come near her. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Quiet, has a bad case of learned helplessness, defeated, kind, and fearful of everyone but Artemis and her huntresses. Bi-polar to anyone that gets to close.   Ideals: Never let anyone close enough to hurt you, be on guard.   Bonds: Artemis, The huntress, Pan, and Rhea   Flaws: Fear is a terrible flaw.   Symbol: 3 wavy lines.   Worship:
  • Save others from her fate.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Dexterity and Constitution by 2, and gain immunity to charm (not dominate).   Wind Barrier: As a reaction you can use a wind barrier to block an attack or grapple. (does not apply to critical strikes). Aura of the Broken:   Out of Combat: Your fear of being taking advantage manifest in a powerful aura that you cannot control. Should anyone move within 10ft of you without your knowledge they take 1d4+mod (per patron level in non-elemental damage).   In Combat: Once per long rest you can call upon Aura to protect you. On activation (bonus action or reaction) you can activate a more powerful aura to aid you. Should an enemy be within 15ft of you they must pass a wisdom save or take 3d4+mod in non-elemental damage or half as much on a successful save. Additionally, the failed wisdom save causes the creatures to walk away for 15ft. in confusion. They are considered confused till they pass the save. This enhanced aura last 1 minute.


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