Astraios Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Titan God of Stars, planets, and the art of Astrology.     Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, but has tendencies that are evil   LORE:  The son of Crius and Eurybia is quite gifted with the understandings of how the stars and planets shape a person when born. He is a master of Astrology and has a plethora of female servants at his beck and call. He uses his fame to acquire power and is currently seeking court Eos. Remember even Eos prefers to be a child, she is quite old. Nonetheless she thinks he is a nerd and has no interest in him.  Some believe that is intent is to own dawn…. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Vain, snobby, greedy, and pompous. He is a showoff.   Ideals: Make yourself the most important person in the room.   Bonds: Self   Flaws: His vanity and greed.   Symbol: The Zodiac     Worship:
  • Use Astrology to predict people’s fate. Even if you are unsure, fake it till you make it.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase charisma by 2, and expertise in performance and deception.     Gain a Servant: You gain a servant of level 5 that can be a Knight, Mage, or Bard. (DM will provide)   Powers of the Zodiac: You gain 12 Cards of the Zodiac to enhance you or an ally. May use once a day. Last 24 hrs.  
  1. Aquarius- Gain benefits of the wind nymph.
  2. Pisces- Constitution modifier is +1
  3. Aries- Strength modifier is +1
  4. Taurus-Gain benefits of earth nymph.
  5. Gemini- Dex Modifier is +1
  6. Cancer- gain benefits of the water nymph.
  7. Leo-Gain Benefits of the fire nymph
  8. Virgo- Intelligence modifier is +1
  9. Libra- When target takes an ailment, so the does the person inflicting it. If they are not immune.
  10. Scorpio- Immune to Level 1-2 poison.
  11. Sagittarius- Wisdom modifier is +1
  12. Capricorn- Charisma modifier is +1


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