Arae Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Arae (uh-rai)

The Daemon Goddess of Curse and Servant to Styx     Alignment: Neutral Evil   LORE:  Styx is the goddess of oaths, and her faithful servant is the god that curses creatures. She uses this skill to curse people that break an oath, and these curses have been known to affect divine beings as well. Though you will not be able to curse a god without repercussion and the power to do so. You can see her wondering the Marsh of Styx with another Daemon cursing and killing creatures hiding from their fate. —Hecate   Personality Traits: Quiet, obedient, and vicious to those she is sent to punish. To does not make deals with oath breakers.   Ideals: If you make an oath keep and gain honor if you break your oath…. you deserve to be cursed.   Bonds: Styx, Fateliss, and Ren   Flaws: Cursing more powerful deities puts her life at risk.   Symbol: A face with bleeding Eyes   Worship:
  • Curse those who break oaths.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma and Constitution Score by +2 to max of 22.   Limited Curse Resistance: You gain advantage on saves from curse and patron curse. (This does not apply to curses from gods and the rivers.)   Curse of Styx: You are capable of verbally cursing a creature that you can see. If the target fails a wisdom save, they are cursed for 1 minute. Roll a 1d10  
  1. Curse of Failure- Creature attack with disadvantage.
  2. Curse of inability- Creature is disabled.
  3. Curse of bad lack- -1d4 to any roll
  4. Curse of the Blind- Creature is blind.
  5. Curse of Silence- Creature is Silenced.
  6. Curse of Confusion- Creature is Confused
  7. Curse of Betrayal- Attacks nearest ally or does nothing.
  8. Curse of Self Harm- Creature attacks Self.
  9. Medusa’s Curse- Creature is Petrified
  10. Curse of Styx- Armor Decreases by 1d4 each round


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