Angela and Leopold Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Angela and Leopold (an-juh-luh, Lee-ə-pold)

Fey Goddess of Nymphs and Elves   Alignment: Chaotic   LORE:  A foreign deity responsible for destroying her own realm. She came to the Cross-roads by her own power, to acquire the focal point of Gaia. When she was still young, she was captured by humans and tortured. Treated like a sideshow for amusement and having her mind, body, and soul ripped apart. No longer able to cast magic due to her brokenness. She eventually made new magical familiar named Leopold by accident, this familiar is stronger than any other. With his helps they destroyed every mortal being to escape. She did not stop till even the elves fell. Angela no longer can speak, but no bother Leopold does that for her. —Hecate   Personality Traits: Angela is cold, vicious, and has a façade of bravery. Leopold is risky, loud, and annoying   Ideals: Humans take whatever they can and destroy the wild. For the world to survive they must die.   Bonds: Each other   Flaws: She would sacrifice herself to kill humans.   Symbol:  Cat and Elf   Worship:
  • Help her with her goals


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma Score by +2 to max of 22. Can Speak with plants and animals.   Champion of the Fey: After each long rest you change to one of the different Nymphs. You gain their benefits, but none of their weakness.   Leopold: The familiar Leopold travels with you. He gives you advantage on concentration saves in combat and can cast spells for you as a bonus action (your spells up to level 2). Out of combat he can turn invisible or visible and hear or see for you no matter where you are in the realm.   Blades of the Mist:
  • Weapon (+3 Shortsword), legendary (requires attunement).
  • Damage is 1d6+Dex (can attack twice)
  • The hilt of this blade is made of wood that was not cut, but magically formed from the tree. The blade is hidden in mist, and behind that mist is a sharp blade.
If you land more than one hit the enemy must make a con save or be level 3 bleeding. Proficiency with a scimitar allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


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