Achelous Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Achelous (a-ke-lo-us)

River God of Eponymous and currently resides on the island of Mykonos   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE:  Even though a lot of new heroes are unaware of him, he holds special spot in the heart of true Greeks. He is the largest river in Greece, and even though he did not retain that in the Crossroads, he still is worship in both realms. He fought Heracles for the right of a maiden, and when he lost Heracles ripped off once of his horns. He seeks to regain his pride. —Hecate   Personality Traits: Calm and relaxed, but if someone mentions Heracles, he loses all control of his rationale.   Ideals: Rivers make their own path through the world. When something gets your way move it.   Bonds: His Wife   Flaws: His arrogance cost him wife and horn.   Symbol: A River


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Constitution Score by +4 to max of 22.   Blessing of the River: You gain the blessing of this river god and gain the following benefits:
  • Resistance to Water damage
  • Can walk on or move through water with no penalty to movement.
Gain Relic: The Horn of Amalthea Once per day, you may summon food and water from the horn. Among this bounty of food is one piece of Ambrosia and a vile of Nectar.


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