November Post-Session Character Questions | Character Homework in Pathfinder: Fables Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Sat, Nov 6th 2021 08:41   Edited on Sun, Dec 12th 2021 07:46

November Post-Session Character Questions

  • Tell me about the cultural groups your character identifies with. Which ones are most important? Which cultural norms does your character adhere to, and which ones are less important or relevant to them? Cultural groups can include regional and geographical (such as "Florencian," "Caelsimilian", or even "Coastal"), racial and ethnic groups (such as "catfolk," "aasimar", and "human"), professional and occupational (such as character class), income-based (such as a character's _class_ which is a little different than character class ;), religious and more.
  • What personality trait or faults would you character refuse to accept in a romantic partner?
  • Sat, Nov 6th 2021 09:26

    1. Despite being among the "elites" in society, Kina finds it hard to relate to the rich and the famous. She grew up poor and lived on a farm, so she relates to the common folk much more easily and enjoys their company. Culturally, she's a catfolk through and through even though her family's on the mainland. It's not easy for her kind to integrate into other societies fully as they're singled out for being such a rare sight. A big thing in catfolk culture is their manes. They treat it as their "centerpiece", so Kina puts a lot of time and effort into maintaining it. She also stashes a small, emergency toolkit inside of it...and maybe a snack or two.   Jordeira isn't sure where he fits culturally as he's ostracized for many reasons, the major one being that he's undead. Necropolis is still in its infancy as a town, so the culture there is a grab bag of modern to even ancient customs due to the massive generational gaps between everyone. Everyone, including Jordeira, is in a transitional phase of their life. They're trying to figure out who they are and what their purpose is in a world that's unfamiliar to them.     2. Jordeira absolutely hates arrogance because it creates a lot of tension between him and the other person. Mainly because he also suffers from unwarranted arrogance. He also wouldn't like a partner who's passive and goes unnoticed by most. While there's nothing wrong with those traits necessarily, he finds it boring.   Kina wouldn't want a partner whose primary focus in life is wealth. Ambition is fine, but greed isn't, especially when the pursuit of coin comes before family and friends. She also wouldn't want a partner who treated animals and children poorly. Abuse being the most obvious thing there, but even treating them like they're nothing more than a nuisance is guaranteed to get on Kina's bad side.  
    Sun, Dec 12th 2021 07:46

    * Industria grew up raised by a mother who lived in two worlds. Of course, Mary had spent years at this point living as a Caelsimilian. She was a priestess after all. Despite being isolated as a child Mary ensured Industria got exposure to Caelsimilian festivals her whole life, even celebrating an eta pari with her tutors. But, even so Mary found giving up aspects of her old culture difficult. Much of Industria's reverence of plants and nature comes from her mother, who held this as a carry over from the native beliefs she was raised on.     While Industria has become wealthy, she considers her class to be closer to that of the clergy than the wealthy. She often rubs elbows with the elites and rich, but almost always from an outsider perspective- looking in and often manipulating the little things.     * Mortality. But seriously, stubborness. Industria isnt quick to change her mind, but thinks ignorance to the possibility of it is wrong.