Unveiling Paradise Document in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Unveiling Paradise

This book covers the topic of the mythological city of Atlantis and the many stories that surround it. The stories themselves aren't covered in much detail, but provide a setup for later chapters in the book that cover the truth of it all. Researched and authored by Zakina Kociak-Falenmir with help from Elathera Clearwater and Industria Cellini, "Unveiling Paradise" confirms the existence of the city and details its history.   The only piece of history left in secret is how the city was once a part of a previous iteration of the material plane. Due to the potential outcry and panic it could cause, any information of an existential nature that Zakina and her allies have obtained remains hidden from the public and even those closest to them. As such, the book treats Atlantis were a city that originated in the Plane of Water and became a pocket plane in order to protect itself. The location of the gate to the city is not disclosed, so the city remains isolated to this day.   Its advancements, thanks to the blending of traditional science and magic, are touched upon as well. These chapters dive into some of these advancements, as well as their purpose to benefit the public. It shows that Atlantis, while powerful and advanced, is not an impossible goal to achieve elsewhere. Of course, such a feat would take a considerable amount of time, but Atlantis wasn't built in a day. The cities that existed alongside them would raid them often to reap their technology for warfare and efforts to corrupt other nations.   Once the city was threatened to be destroyed completely, they used their magic to isolate themselves and while they desire to rejoin the world, they won't do so until they're sure that modern civilization will allow them to live alongside of them peacefully. If that can't be obtained, Atlantis runs the risk of being decimated shortly after it reemerges. The last chapter mentions those in Atlantis wanting the city to surface on the material plane and the potential outcomes of such an event.   "Unveiling Paradise" is controversial within certain circles. The original copy is kept under the protection of The Writer's Guild of Lutherios and key members within the group have begun publishing fictionalized works that feature Atlantis in order to desensitize the public to its existence. Others believe the book to be a mockery of historical literature, citing that without any actual records or artifacts from the city, it's the work of Zakina's overactive imagination.   The confirmation of Atlantis being more than a myth has caused excitement from the public, especially treasure hunters and sight-seers. With the hype surrounding the book and its subject, Atlantis has remained in hiding as the threat level is still too high for them to reemerge. With enough time and desensitization, Zakina and the Writer's Guild hope they can succeed in preparing the world for their arrival.
Manuscript, Historical


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