Sidian Shrew

The Sidian shrew was once a populous species that lived in the wetlands surrounding Mount Halidale. After the volcano's eruption, it was believed that the shrews were among the native wildlife lost for good. While The Shrieking Sands are devoid of any Sidian shrews, the creatures have been recently rediscovered by the river of Lumina and its surrounding wetlands.

Basic Information


Sidian shrews are strange, but fascinating in their design. They have six legs in total, three on each of their flanks. They're small in size, fitting neatly into the palm of one's hand. Males tend to be heavier than females, though after the eruption of Mount Halidale, it appears the surviving females evolved to carry much more fat on their bodies. The fur on a Sidian shrew is water repellent, capturing air bubbles within it which helps the shrews float. Between their toes are small tufts of hair that function similarly to flippers.   Their tails are about half of the size as their body and lightly covered in fur. Their little snouts have evolved to have fairly unnoticeable gills, allowing the shrew to live on land and in the water comfortably.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating season begins in early springtime and runs until the end of summer. Females have a three-week long gestation period and will generally have two to three litters over the months. Each litter averages around ten offspring, though several will die within days due to attacks by predators or illness. Mother shrews are vulnerable during their pregnancy and produce a stronger odor than their male counterparts, making them an easy target for predators. Due to this, shrews build multiple nests and use the weak among their young as bait. This allows the mother to carry the strongest of the litter to a secondary location.   Locals who wish to help their population of Sidian shrews will set up safe, nesting stations within their towns. Shrews within these makeshift homes are left to their own devices in order to keep them wild. Local druids only step in to help them if an illness sweeps through the shrew population, they have trouble nursing, or are under attack by predators or hunters.

Ecology and Habitats

Sidian shrews thrive in and around rivers, lakes, and small waterways. While they do best in freshwater, some populations of shrews have settled down near saltwater environments due to Mount Halidale's eruption. During mating season, the shrews build nests on high ground, utilizing mud and wet grass to mask the scent of their offspring.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While they are mainly insectivores, Sidian shrews are known to hunt smaller fish as well. They prefer to eat the larvae of several species of aquatic insects, such as dragonflies, craneflies, and even mosquitoes. On land, they'll eat snails and various types of fungi.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Despite Sidian shrews living in close proximity to each other, they do not live in tightly knit colonies. They're solitary creatures and commonly get into fights when encountering another shrew. It's been noted that these fights are seldom territorial disputes, but rather acts of random aggression. Squeaks of warning are given before battle, though if neither shrew retreats, they lunge for one another. While their fights may look intense, they rarely end with the death of either shrew. Injuries gained could lead to infection, but otherwise, fighting between Sidian shrews is non-lethal.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the shrews do have eyesight, they seldom utilize it, even when hunting. On land, they rely on their decent sense of smell, as well as sensing the tremors of nearby prey. Within the water, however, the Sidian shrew displays an impressive, supernatural ability. Once they've sensed movement using their whiskers, a bubble fires from their snout, and imprisons their target. The captured prey can be rolled into hiding so that the shrew can safely eat.
20 months
Conservation Status
Average Weight
10 grams
Average Length
5 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark, cool brown in the winter. Sandy brown in the summer. Their underbellies are light and tan.


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