Madeleine Ferus Character in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Madeleine Ferus

Speaker of the Shadows Madeleine Ferus (a.k.a. Maddie, Madame)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Madeleine is the seventh and final Speaker of the Shadows, the mouthpiece for the Nameless One and hell-bent on manipulating their flock to follow it blindly. She was born and raised in the cult, her great-grandfather being fifth Speaker. After he was assassinated due to a conflict of interest among the senior members of the cult, Madeleine was determined to take the seat of power back for her bloodline. She managed to get her way, being the youngest Speaker in the cult's history. She was much more authoritarian than her predecessors, but her methods lifted the cult into a new age. The desperate and needy were ready to throw their children at her feet over promises that they would have a better life. The sick reached out in hopes that their devotion to the Nameless One would cure them.   Success and power were the only things Madeleine knew. There was no room for error, no room for kinship. People were a resource, an expendable one that she could replace with the snap of a finger. Things changed when Jordeira Ferus and his young sister were brought to her. She had a sick fascination with the boy and in order to keep his sister safe from the cult's cruelty, Jordeira willingly went along with whatever Madeleine demanded. A caged animal would only cower for so long though and when Jordeira reached the top of the ranks, he intended to oust her from her position as the Speaker. Fearing for her life, she tried to force him to marry her.   If she succeeded, he would've found himself at a dead end, his status among the disciples stripped away. He would be known as little more than the man who kept her bed warm. He wasn't having it. Behind her back, Jordeira had made a deal with the Nameless One, putting Madeleine's soul on the line. Somehow, she managed to convince him that she'd step down if he managed to find and kill a high profile target, the lich Ariamis Madan. It was a suicide mission and when Jordeira never returned, she grew paranoid of everyone. Every presumed slight against her, every jab to her fragile ego, it was all grounds for execution. The cult was falling apart in her hands, perhaps a display of hubris as she believed herself to be as powerful as the Nameless One.   Some members turned their backs on the disciples, fleeing the country to find a new life elsewhere. Some were sacrificed or killed for Madeleine's own amusement. A cold, calculated leader had been reduced to a psychotic disaster with cruel tendencies. She was unhinged and nothing could calm her. The senior members of the cult turned against her, deeming her unfit to lead and a potential threat to the Nameless One's legacy. They had plans to kill her, but Madeleine beat them to the punch. Before her remaining followers, she proclaimed that she was their true god and promised to make her power known. She committed suicide, slitting her throat and giving the Nameless One another soul to consume.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


Madeleine was led by a strong sense of confidence and a need to be in control of everyone and everything. She kept her eyes on the prize, never losing sight of her ultimate goal until it turned back to bite her. In her final months, she was driven by her unhinged ego and delusions that she was on the path to godhood.
Chaotic Evil
Date of Birth
August 3rd
Circumstances of Death
Dark green.
Long, braided, and light brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and freckled.
142 lbs
Aligned Organization


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