Knife of Chrono Severance Item in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Knife of Chrono Severance

The Knife of Chrono Severance is a mythic artifact. It's one that has to be crafted by those who intend to wield it as such a thing can't be found on the material plane in its finished form. It's an expensive and time consuming process to craft, being that its made out of black diamond dust, obsidian, and clean sand. In order to enchant it correctly, the forging process must be completed within a time stop spell. Failure to do so will net the craftsman a dagger with no supernatural abilities.   It is to be used during a dangerous ritual to bring both body and spirit to the Plane of Time. In order to keep their spirit intact during the journey, one must draw a conjuration circle with clean sand and their own blood at either dusk or dawn. Next, they step into the circle and throw salt around themselves. With that preparation complete, they must invoke a timeline of their life, using the memories as a ladder to climb their way into the plane. The timeline has to be manifested within a time stop spell as well. Once they've gone through a whirlwind of their own memories, they must use the Knife of Chrono Severance to burst the bubble of time they're in, which will send them plummeting into the Plane of Time.   If every step of the ritual was done correctly, their spirit will collide with their body on the way down, ensuring that the entirety of their person has reached the plane safely. Any mistake in the ritual can lead to strange occurrences, such as summoning a past or future version of themselves. A more severe consequence is the potential to fall through their memories and become lost in time, unable to escape by most means, including magic. Failure may also lead to the summoning of a Fate or Fortune.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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