Bella of the Wilds Character in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Bella of the Wilds

Doctor Arabella Ferus (a.k.a. Bella, Blossom)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bella is the lone survivor of a coven of witches in training that once resided in the village of Barley. Her and her sisters were all adopted by a fey-like old woman who was determined to unlock their potential in the hopes that they'd change the world for the better. After she killed one of the sisters that belonged to a coven of hags, the other hags tore through Barley to get to the witch's home. Ten girls were slaughtered in the initial attack. One managed to hide in the home, accidentally trapping herself in a trunk and dying shortly after. Bella had managed to escape with two of her older sisters, but they were all captured a few days later.   While all of her sisters were dead and gone, the hags were interrupted by Jordeira Ferus and Kataledaris Amall, keeping them distracted long enough for a mutual companion of theirs to grab Bella. She adored Jordeira, thanking him for his actions by naming her familiar "Little Jordeira". Even when her and her mentor were reunited, Bella had no desire to leave with her and plant roots elsewhere. She stayed with Jordeira, growing close to Lucky Kociak and viewing both of them as her parents.   Now she's all grown up, skilled with both her magic and her practical skills with medicine. While she spends most of her days in Necropolis to tend to the refugees that find their way there, she sometimes takes her talent out on the road to help those in need. While she comes across as a sweet, kindly young woman, she's not afraid to mouth off to anyone if they're acting awful.

Gender Identity



Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Kinky, wild, and black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cool, medium brown.
155 lbs
Aligned Organization


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