Halfling Species in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Optimistic and cheerful, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by powerful wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and curiosity. At once excitable and easygoing, they are the best kind of opportunists, and their passions favor joy over violence. Even in the jaws of danger, halflings rarely lose their sense of humor.   Many taller people dismiss halflings due to their size or, worse, treat them like children. Halflings use these prejudices and misconceptions to their advantage, gaining access to opportunities and performing deeds of daring mischief or heroism. A halfling’s curiosity is tempered by wisdom and caution, leading to calculated risks and narrow escapes.   While their wanderlust and curiosity sometimes drive them toward adventure, halflings also carry strong ties to house and home, often spending above their means to achieve comfort in their homelife.   Many have noticed some similarities between halflings and gnomes, specifically their size and general demeanor. The truth of the matter, though few gnomes will admit this, halflings were originally born of the union of gnomes and humans during the Age of Chaos. Since that time, they have become an ancestry in their own right and breed true. Curiously, halflings/gnome or halfling/human relationships never bear children.   Many halflings worship the Virties and Vices of the Temple of Passion but no small number go back to their roots worshiping the Primal Gods.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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