Setican Starmetal Material in Pathfinder 2e Project | World Anvil

Setican Starmetal

Setica is a land of many dangers, from the poisonous and vemonous flora and fauna, to the dangerous and unpredictable weather, to the native men and women who live there. The Setican Continent has been described as the Land of Broken Promises or the Land of Monsters. However, one of the many reasons that the Old Worlders did not immediately leave and abandon this continent was the fact that it held such valuable stocks of new resources that were not native in the Old World. One of which was the immensely pure, stainless, and priceless Setican Starmetal. For generations, starmetal had become practically impossible to find, with much of it now resting in weapons, armors, and items protected by royal families and age old nobles.Many had suspected that Starmetal was no longer able to be found on the planet and, because of that, only the divinely ordaned could utilize it. A blessing from the gods. However, this idealism changed when Setican Starmetal was found, not just in small amounts but in cart loads. Many nobles in the Old World tried to monopolize the trade, but new mines would pop up and fail quicker than many could interfere. Beecause of this, starmetal was able to enter into the public sphere becoming a common metal in the New World while struggling to come to the Old World, as attempting to load massive cargo ships to cross the Ocean.Following the sinking of the Aedrian Ship Leviathan, and the loss of several hundred tonnes of starmetal, Aedria attempted to find a new, safer way to bring it over to the Old World. They began funding research into airships and while they would present them with immense success, it was only made possible after Setica had become independent and the need for such transports made getting starmetal impossible.


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