Cuirassiers Profession in Pathfinder 2e Project | World Anvil


Cuirassiers are an obsolete military unit that still continues to exist within the world of Ethrys, despite its failure to adapt to modern technology. Cuirassiers are cavalry units that utilize armor plating, such as a Cuirass and are armed with a sword and a lance, sometimes the lance is changed for a rifle. Cuirassiers, in the age of Gunpowder, are a dangerously outdated military unit that was once considered "heavy cavalry" due to their ability to rush enemy lines with sword and imposing merit. However, with the advent of gun and shot, many doctors find the Cuirass an antiquated relic, one that only leads to shrapnel wounds on impact with guns, making it hard to clean wounds and to hard to save members who utilize itHowever, despite this, some empires which have struggled to modernize, like those in Kiriskya, still utilize the Cuirassier with limited effectiveness, easily stopping rebellions against the people and acting as kingsguard, Cuirassiers don't really play a major role in professional military combat. These units struggle against the fighting of military modern mages and grapeshot and pike. Furtheremore, Cuirassiers have been demoted to simply cavalry scout or removed entirely from armies, instead being replaced by a new form of "Cuirassier", which act as giant mechanized landguns with shields on the front and portable munitions.Overall, the classical form of Cuirassier, the mounted heavy cavalry officer, has become a relic of old styled warfare that struggles in the new magic-drive and mechanivcally strengthed modern army, often being relogated to small cavalry taskes like scouting or being replaced by landguns and fast-moving vehicles. While cavalry still plays a minor role in warfare, it is largely scouting enemy lines or gathering intelligence, or rarely, it will act as a messager to rear guard units if there is no quicker way to deliver a message to them.


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