Airship Vehicle in Pathfinder 2e Project | World Anvil


Airships are large aerial vehicles that were first created by the Dwarvish Empire of Aironrod, and was utilized as a means to send goods and supplies to their mountain territories across the Old World without causing issues and crossing other countries overland. This was largely because during the turn of the century, numerous tensions arose between the nations and many feared that any small thing could trigger them.   As the Dwarves feared such a fate of destruction may fall upon them, they decided to utilize what they could to create a new form of vehicle. Now the Dwarven Army struggled to make such an advanced vehicle and many considered it largely impossible to create something non-magical that could fly. However, with backing from the Aedrian Empire and connections through diplomacy, the project was started utilizing the immense resources of both nations to build the project.   The first few airships faltered due to immense structural failures that appeared shortly after lift off. Secondary tests later were successful following the addition of a gangway or walkway through the upper parts of the canvas balloon. While these tests were successful, the Dwarven engineers saw problems of underpowered engines that struggled to vent exhaust through their steam vents. It was later determined that they would be using godsblood rather than steam. The energy released from burning godsblood was far more powerful than steam and new engines propelled the ship faster than records believed possible.   Initially, the airships were utilized by the Dwarven Empire for delivering mail and goods to isolated parts of their domain. However, after the Aedrian Empire got hold of them, they began adding weapons, bombbays, and other means of weaponry to help defend their control over the Strait of Dumar. These new additions made it seemingly impossible to defeat the Aedrians without magic and created a technological imbalance that would forever create tension between the many empires of the Old World.
Dwarven Balloons
15 m
138 m
20 km/h


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