Standard Session Script in Pascelus | World Anvil

Standard Session Script

Session Structure

  1. Everyone shows up (in person, or signed into Discord with DnD Beyond ready).
  2. If this is a remote session, recording starts.
  3. If there's any outstanding loot distribution (Loot and Wishlisting), rolling for loot happens at this point.
  4. We handle the pre-session summary, recalling and discussing what happened last session. This should be fairly brief (under 5 minutes).
  5. The group gets their Chronicler's Luck point(s) (see House Rules) and each character starts the session with inspriation.
  6. The new session begins.
  7. After an hour or two of play, where there's a convenient moment, the DM will call a short break. These usually last about 15 minutes.
  8. Play will resume.
  9. When the allotted time for session is almost over, or there is a sensible breaking moment, play will stop until next session.
  10. Feedback on the session is requested.

Regarding Feedback

You can provide feedback to the DM, your fellow players, or even yourself. Bear in mind that the value of feedback is variable, and usually gets less valuable as you proceed down this list:
  1. Positive and Constructive
  2. Positive
  3. Constructive
  4. Neutral
  5. Negative
It is generally ill-advised to trawl towards the end of the list, but if there are recurring issues it may be necessary.


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