shroomfolk beer Item in Pascelus | World Anvil

shroomfolk beer

The myconids produce beer from their facility around The Spotted Cap:
  • During the spring and summer, they exclusively produce a flat beer that is a little bland but quenches thirst and lubricates mirth well enough.
  • During fall and winter, the myconids also produce a heartier drink ("stem beer"), both stronger and thicker. It's potent in more ways than one - the liquor is strong enough to help fight off cold, and it's got enough protein and vitamins in it to fully replace a solid meal. It's available cheaply enough that it's credited with keeping many poorer townsfolk alive through harsh winters. Many of the town guards have grown quite fond if it over the years and eagerly anticipate the pouring of the first batch as the days grow shorter.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

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