Animal Training Technology / Science in Pascelus | World Anvil

Animal Training

Animal Training Capacity

An animal can learn up to 5* its Int in "tricks."
Trick Complexity
A given trick can be from 1 to 5 points based on complexity, DM discretion:
  • A 1 point trick would be very simple (sit, stay, etc.)
  • A 3 point trick would be a bit more complicated (guard this area/thing, go find this person). Any attack-ish action that's not strictly self-defence or feeding would be at least a 3 for most animals.
  • A 5 point trick would be the most complicated thinig that animal could perform.
Training Time
To train an animal will take a Animal Handling roll with the following constraints:
  1. DC 5* the trick's complexity.
  2. A couple of hours a day for 1 week per trick complexity (this need not be all at once).
  3. Advantage/disadvantage for circumstances (being "at home" vs on the road, having a good relationship with the animal, having treats, no recent danger or injury to the animal).
  This is by design very ad hoc and not intended to be a hard and fast system - it's mostly to explain what I and DM think is possible and reasonable.


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