Currency Item in Paradysium | World Anvil
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Shard (sh) Value: 1 Shard (sh) = 1 of itself Shards are small, copper-colored pieces of metal, irregularly shaped like fragments of a larger, ancient artifact. They are commonly used for everyday transactions within The Ancient Reach, symbolizing the remnants of the old wars and the resilience of its people. Each Shard carries minor enchantments, a testament to the region's deep-rooted connection to magic.
  Veinstone (vs)  Value: 1 Veinstone (vs) = 10 Shards (sh)  Veinstones are polished, silver-hued stones embedded with thin, vein-like patterns of magical essence. They are mined from the depths of the Dragon Spine Mountain Range and are said to contain the essence of the land's ancient magic. Veinstones serve as a more valuable means of trade, often used in transactions involving magical goods or services.
  Suncoin (sc) Value: 1 Suncoin (sc) = 10 Veinstones (vs) Suncoins are gold pieces that radiate a soft light, reminiscent of the setting sun over The Ancient Reach. Crafted from gold and infused with a drop of sunlight captured during the summer solstice, they symbolize the hope and prosperity that the united kingdoms strive for. Suncoins are highly valued and used in significant purchases and official kingdom transactions.
  Mooncrest (mc) Value: 1 Mooncrest (mc) = 10 Suncoins (sc) Mooncrests are rare, platinum tokens, edged with intricate designs that glow faintly in the moonlight. Created under the light of a full moon and blessed by the high priests of the Greenwarden, these tokens embody the unity and protective wards of The Ancient Reach. Mooncrests are used in the most prestigious of transactions, often involving land, titles, or rare artifacts.
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