Aether in Paradise | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Aether is an invisible particle that permeates the entire world. It is a fundamental force that flows everywhere and connects all living beings, the elements, and the spirits, fostering a level of interconnectedness among us all. This force is an essence that serves as the source of power for daily activities, including bending. It is said that we all are gifted with our own Aether, our life force, and the ability to manipulate it, whether consciously or unconsciously.   In the context of bending, Aether is what allows us to manipulate the elements of water, earth, fire, and air, the underlying force that enables individuals to control and shape these elements. Those born with the ability to bend are inherently attuned to Aether, allowing them to channel the elements. This also applies to any creature that can bend including beasts or spirits.  



Many individuals have tapped into the Aether within themselves, being able to transform the force into extraordinary feats. It is a versatile and malleable energy that can be harnessed and manipulated. Strong individuals are individuals who can take in more Aether than average, allowing them to bend more material or be more physically adept. Aether amplifies the control and strength of the user. Channeling Aether is also a necessity when a healer accelerates the natural healing process to treat injuries and ailments.  


Crystals have been observed to contain the same ability to store and release Aether, similar to other creatures. They can absorb Aether from the surrounding environment and act as reservoirs for individuals to use. With this feature, they play a crucial role in enhancing one’s abilities. Many use their reserves to provide a small but temporary boost to their life force, to strengthen their bending and physical abilities. Once its reserves have been depleted, the crystal needs time to recharge by absorbing more Aether. They also serve as valuable commodities for trade.
  • Quartz - A common crystal and is the least valauble, provide little amounts of Aether
  • Gemstone - A moderately rare crystal which makes it valuable, can store moderate amounts of Aether
  • Diamond - The rarest crystal and by far the most valauble, able to store large amounts of Aether


While Aether cannot be seen or touched by ordinary means, some have claimed to have the ability to visualize Aether. Those who can visualize it can see its effects on any individual and how it shapes them. They can see how everyone manipulates their Aether, sensing its flow from the individual towards the world around them. This feature is rare and has only been reported in a few cases.

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