Mithrim Character in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Mithrim is the current ruler of Tolgod. Mithrim is an extremely powerful sorcerer who used his power to overtake the Tolgod shaman council's power and assume the position of Tolgod's supreme leader in 870.  

Political Views

Mithrim dislikes both the Imperial Coalition and the Free Nations Alliance. He dislikes the Imperial Coalition because he knows the New Shorian Empire would try to conquer his nation, and he dislikes the Free Nations Alliance because the Shenrian Empire, a member of it has tried to conquer his nation in recent history. Due to this he keeps Tolgod neutral in political affairs.  


Mithrim is extremely magically powerful, and still thinks extremely highly of himself. He believes that he is an immortal god and always believes himself superior to all. Mithrim often comes off as a relic of an old time, and talks in a very strange fashion. He never uses contractions and often uses very obscure and long words, and he often refers to various parts of mythology and the world, and he seems to like referring to the specific number of the thing, such as the "9 worlds" or the "7 seals" or the "12 chains". These things are often made up, but sometimes are references to factual things.   While it is true that Mithrim is very powerful, his delusions of grandeur are still rather unrealistic. Mithrim's goal in life is to become an actual god, and he pursues this goal by trying to simply become as powerful as possible by trying to learn about all of the magic he can and finding/creating the most powerful magic artifacts he can.  

Powers and Abilities

Mithrim possesses extremely potent magical abilities. He is able to generate extremely massive and hot fires and lightning bolts, control storms cause earthquakes, put up barriers, levitate himself, enhance his physical attributes massively, and levitate massive objects. Mithrim also has given himself many strange attributes. He no longer requires sleep, food and water, and he can even choose not to breath or blink without any negative side effects. He can even see in the dark and detect other people's life forces.   Mithrim's other most notable ability is his enchanting. He is able to craft very powerful artifacts, and has created a powerful amulet and 8 powerful rings that greatly enhance his magical ability.  


Mithrim's location of birth and age are totally shrouded in mystery. Mithrim has claimed that he is from Tolgod, although that is the only solid information he has given about himself. 10 years ago in the year 870 Mithrim took control over Tolgod's ruling shaman council using his extreme powerful mastery of magic. His great displays of power got Tolgod's population on his side against the shaman's council and he used the great public support the take control as their supreme ruler.  



Emperor Wulfrum

Emperor Wulfrum is one of the few people who Mithrim genuinely respects and it is obvious that he view Wulfrum far more important than everyone else. Despite this Mithrim still acts like he's better than Wulfrum, although much less so than everyone else. Wulfrum views Mithrim as a very powerful but reckless person and is cautious of him usually.

Queen Stalgard III

Mithrim treats Queen Stalgard III as inferior and only takes her seriously because of how powerful her empire is. Mithrim also somewhat fears Queen Stalgard III because she plans to conquer his country of Tolgod. Queen Stalgard III dislikes speaking to Mithrim and is often on edge whenever near him. She fears Mithrim's mystical power and hates him because he treats her like she's lesser than him, something she's not used to at all.

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