Bandar-laggin Species in Pangorio | World Anvil


Bandar-laggin are a type of fey creature that lives along rivers bends where the terrain blocks most of the wind allowing for mist to linger longer than normal. Bandar-laggin live in communities built around a grand communal cave called the ballroom. No one actually lives within the ballroom but each member of the community is allowed inside to use whatever is within. Each bandar-laggin lives within its own seperate cave.   During each month of the year, called a moon, one bandar-laggin takes a turn at being in charge of the ballroom where they must host a grand party and determine the next target of their moon long game. The one who has the target on the last day of the moon wins, and is then in charge of the ballroom for the next moon. The maintaining of the ballrom is important to keep the mist magic of each member within the communal domain keeping them all as hidden as possible. On days when the skies dawn clear and the sun burns away all hopes of a mist lingering, it is for the keeper of the ballroom to watch for any intruders while all the others are hidden within their own lairs.   There is only one object that is never a target of their games: the great crystal totem hidden within the heart of the ballroom. This totem is made of crystals all shaped like a bandar-laggin hand. These crystals glow and are magically fused together. Each crystal is made when a bandar-laggin touches the totem, adding a tiny part of themselves to their community. This allows a bandar-laggin to have lair powers over the entire region occupied by the whole community, not just within their own lair.   Lair powers are the ability to influence the terrain. They can make the water ripple and pull things within it towards shore, including river ships. They can make the ground open up into a perfectly crafted tunnels and chambers, even take the shape of stairs or change the course of underground streams. They can alter trees to grow below ground and be in the form of living bookshelves or staircases. Animals can become servants and devoted pets even if such is against their nature. They can also have their forms changed as the bandar-laggin wishes. The exception to this are those creatures so simple minded as to be incapable of thinking beyond their instincts like insects and fish.   A bandar-laggin away from its community and lair can only use its personal magic, which is still formidable. They can cast thorny vines like whips that harm as well as entwine targets. They can make the ground tremble and shift with sudden lumps and divets that trip up those unfortunate to be standing upon it. A bandar-laggin can shroud itself in mist and, while the vision of others is hindered, the bandar-laggin can see through it with ease. Their favorite abiliy is that of shapeshifting into any other creature form they have come to know.
Bandar-laggin are large creatures resembling colorfully furred men. They have green fur, a purple mask around their eyes, a blue muzzle, red nose, and pointed ears that are banded red and brown.   Males stand eight feet tall while females stand seven feet tall. Males weigh about four hundred pounds while females weigh about three hundred fifty pounds.  
Bandar-laggin by Dazzlinkat on HeroForge
  How bandar-laggins reproduce is a mystery even to bandar-laggin as their earliest memories begin after they have touched their hand to the crystal totem. There are no children roaming their lairs and no bandar-laggin can remember how another bandar-laggin joined their community beyond remembering a time when that bandar-laggin had not been within their community and then, suddenly, they were there.
Scientific Name


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