Northern orcs Ethnicity in Paneus | World Anvil

Northern orcs


Major language groups and dialects

All orcs speak the same language of Orcish, though there are small dialect changes in some of the further apart clans.

Culture and cultural heritage

That sense of do what you are good at and trust in others to do their part. Any orc that refuses to pull their weight is looked down upon by their clan members.

Shared customary codes and values

The orcs are competitive by nature, but also believe strongly in a sense of fair play. Clan and family is also important to them. Combat and survival skills are highly prized. All orcs strive to be the best in their particular field. All orcs share a hatred of giants.

Average technological level

Skilled at masonry and woodwork, smithing and some small metal working skills. Permanent stone structures, very skilled at masonry.

Common Etiquette rules

If a hunting party crosses into the area another group is hunting in, the new party will give way. Unless the new party allows them to join. If the two groups work together to bring down a particularly dangerous creature they will share the spoils and honour of the kill.

Common Dress code

In the harsh winters they wear hides, and leather armour, in the summer most go topless apart from whatever armour pieces they wear. At home they wear clothes made from yak / mountain goat fur. Societies will have some form of clothing identifier.

Art & Architecture

Most art will take the form of wooden or stone carvings and statues. Large tapestries with complicated scenes.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

It is customary for travellers in orcish lands to seek out the first clan they can to ask permission to travel in orcish territory. Fellow orc hunting parties will seek out the elders of each clans territory they pass through. This permission is very rarely denied to other orcs and it entirely depends on the reasons of non orcs as to whether they are granted permission. If asking to hunt or gather from another clans territory it is customary to bring a gift for the clans elder / leader.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The birth of a new orc is widely celebrated within a clan. The new born is presented to clan during a gathering within the first 24 hours after birth. Where it's name is announced. Clan name and personal name. After weaning, they child is looked after by the clan. the parents will still take an active role in their child's life however. young orcs from birth till 3 years old are called snotlings

Coming of Age Rites

Orcs reach adulthood at 14. At which point they travel to that years highland games to participate in the coming of age contests. A series of tests to determine an Orc's basic skill set. The Orc Societies will approach the particularly skilled (now adults) with offers to join their ranks.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The whole clan will come out to honour the dead orc. They burn their dead on pyres. Then a wake is held where the clan members tell tales of the deceased achievements in life. The drunker the participants afterwards is a good sign as to how accomplished the deceased was.

Common Taboos

Cheating is the fastest way to lose honour in Orcish society. Theft is looked upon as a terrible crime. Dishonourable murder

Common Myths and Legends

creation myths Legend of a great giant hunter warrior A large mythical beast The tale of how they became non aggressive, some great spiritual leader.

Historical figures

leader from above template tales of great warriors or orcs who gained great honour.


Beauty Ideals

Well built and muscular, broad shoulders, prominent lower tusks, strong sloping foreheads. Scars are highly prized.

Gender Ideals

Male orcs are bald, but on female orcs long hair is considered preferable.

Courtship Ideals

The male expresses first interest in partnership, the female will then lay down a challenge, a contest ensues and if the male can beat the female's challenge he has proven himself worthy to be her partner.

Relationship Ideals

Within a partnership each does whatever they are best at. Partners are often chosen to complement eachothers skill sets.

Major organizations

Societies: Hunting, Masonry, Crafts, scouts, warrior. Society supersedes clan, Each society has a leader and a second, broken down into smaller groups which also have a leader and a second. Each society has their own code of conduct that members must adhere to and their own disciplinary procedures.
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