The Sovereignty Council - Eleasias 1375 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Sovereignty Council - Eleasias 1375

General Summary

The council was slow to gather, strange quakes rumbling between West Haven and Warhaven had slowed or even stalled some's travel to the meeting. Nihilus made sure to round them up so they could be present.
The long night has been extended so that all may fall under the Sovereign's shadow and be graced by his gift to his most loyal followers. Temples in his name have been built in the more remote parts of his kingdom to ensure his word is spread far and wide.
The treasury continues to grow fat and healthy as the kingdom begins preparations for the coming winter.
Disturbed by the unnatural disasters befalling the outskirts of Dryads Mill , Nihilus, Runa, and Grud ventured out to find the cause. A rock that had crumbled from a part of their aqueduct was kind enough to give Nihilus some directions. Now standing above The Void they heard a rumbling and a roaring. WIth the knowledge that something was coming, the group retreated up the road to prepare. Nihilus and Runa laid traps while Grud waited with hungry anticipation for a fight, and soon it was upon them! A brutal battle ensued, ending in an unsatisfying draw as the party watched it dissapear beneath the ground. The party chose to return to Dryads Mill to recuperate, though they weren't given much time before the monster re-emerged from the center of town to continue their fight! Find ending its life for good impossible, Runa and Nihilus worked to seal the creature away for good while Grud continued to hack away at it to make sure they'd have the time to complete their task.

Rewards Granted

staff of souls [32,800 gp]
+3 armored coat [9,200 gp]
wand of false life, greater (CL 7) [21,000 gp]
potion/oil of draconic reservoir (CL 5) [750 gp]

Grud, Nihilus [16]: 3200xp = 3200 (Behemoth) Runa [13]: 7800xp = 7800 (Behemoth)
Report Date
21 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master
