The Eldritch Arena, Part 1 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Eldritch Arena, Part 1

General Summary

A couple new arrivals, a magus and a sneakthief, joined Braskan and Milo at the Fjordhaven docks to investigate a post looking for "any with arcane talent." There, they followed the "lonely star," which turned out to be a street urchin with a pentagram carved into his head. They boarded a merchant ship and were greeted by their host, an elf woman only referring to herself as a "servant of Mistress Therana." Mortsuka noticed hatred in her eyes, and suspected that she was being held captive somehow, but kept his suspicions to himself until he could voice them to his companions.

While waiting to cast off, they met three other mages in the hold: Master Bly, a dwarf who was not all he seemed, Kolgrah, a half-orc warrior claiming to be a mage by virtue of the bloodstained spellbook she carried, and Boop-bawp Blip, a being who unconvincingly claimed to be a "dragonborn" or "half-dragon" but sounded suspiciously similar to three kobolds stacked on top of each other squeaking in a trenchcoat, whom the party affectionately called "Triple Stack."   Inviting him to a game of cards, Bly slipped Braskan a gem, which he determined was a magic gem that stored a spell. The gem contained the spell telepathic bond which Bly used to reveal to Braskan that he was actually a Fjordhaven detective investigating the disappearance of several mages, and gave Braskan a warning and some aid: If anything should happen to him, retrieve a second magic gem to escape and inform Captain Thrar Eagle-Eye.   After casting off, Therana's servant explained that the reason they had gathered mages together was for a special game that would be viewed by rich benefactors through scrying and clairvoyance spells on a man-made dungeon in the ocean. They would arrive at this dungeon in one day, and despite Milo's protests and Kolgrah's attempts, Therana's Servant insisted that all killing be reserved for their arrival at the island. Thanks to Mortsuka's keep watch spell, Milo stayed up and attempted to steal Kolgrah's spellbook using a mix of stealth and stygian magic. Nevertheless, she awoke, blamed Braskan for attempting to assault her, but was eventually placated.

Later that night, Therana's Servant asked for volunteers to help keep watch above deck during the day. This proved necessary when some aquatic undead attacked the ship, but unfortunately they discovered that below decks another fight was happening: Bly was murdered! The murder weapon, a fine dagger of strange make, was still sticking from his back. Asriel convinced the kobold(s) and half-orc to fetch Therana's Servant, while Braskan searched the body for the red gem and determined the murder happened recently, viciously, and using conjuration magic. Therana's Servant seemed unwilling to bother investigating, and left to return to sleep. With no suspects and no leads, the party consigned themselves to finish the journey, wherever it may lead...

Rewards Granted

Loot: [284 gp]
[365 gp] Transmuter's Spellbook: 2nd--glide, knock, levitate, rope trick; 1st--ant haul, enlarge person, erase, expeditious retreat, gravity bow, hold portal, jump, magic weapon, shield
[302 gp] masterwork dagger (Small gems encrusted throughout with gold filagree. The blade creates X-shaped wounds. Unknown craftsmanship.)
[? gp] attuned gem (unknown spell)

Experience: Milo (4), Mortsuka (4), Braskan (3), and Asriel (1): 225 XP each (lacedons)

Related Reports

Report Date
14 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Nihilus (15): 6,750xp/12,500gp/5dt