The Dead Must Fall - Trader's Cusp Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Dead Must Fall - Trader's Cusp

General Summary

with the worst of the raised dead dealt with, Azim is looking to find the source and sends out a call for help, but only one unlikely person comes to his aid Grud who is bringing along Zabur, deciding that Grud is either not enough or not trusted, he decides to try to summon a planar ally, a couatl answears his call, the price for its help is a cathedral in horus-ra's name and a set of celestial armor made for himself, Azim agrees.
and the 5 set out, Grud, Zabur, Azim, Aldrik and the couatl to find the source of these undeads, in thier source they come by quite the big fight around the town hall, where several Burning Megaprimatus Skeletons where fighting the TSDF, as they engage they soon find that those are not the only undeads around here as a soulpirced appears from the town hall to join the fight, hiding in the ground when threats get too close, and a pair of bloodless vessels assult them aswell, after a drawn out and dangerous fight, that even left Grud bloodied the party emerged victories.
going to the nearby inn to wait for the night, no soon has the sun set before they hear a explosion at a nearby wall, a vampire standing outside impatiently waiting for them, he declears them nusicence and food, and he and his two fellow lords gets into a fight with the party, that the party ends up winning, and thereby having dealt with the source of the undeads.

Rewards Granted

682 pp, 1,050 gp, 6,400 sp, 17,000 cp
[6,153 gp] +1 rallying light wooden shield
[2,159 gp] zombie skin shield
[500 gp] gold puzzle box
[850 gp] gold decanter with grape vine patterns
[600 gp] gold chalice with griffon carvings
[450 gp] opal
[45 gp] unworked green spinel (worth 22 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[40 gp] unworked ivory (worth 20 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[90 gp] unworked amethyst (worth 45 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[80 gp] unworked saltwater pearl (worth 40 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[550 gp] aquamarine
[350 gp] topaz
[300 gp] potion/oil of spider climb (CL 3)
[750 gp] potion/oil of cure serious wounds (CL 5)
[750 gp] potion/oil of neutralize poison (CL 5)
[5,000 gp] ring of rat fangs [no external clues]
[1,125 gp] divine scroll of break enchantment (CL 9)
[2,050 gp] divine scroll of glyph of warding, greater (CL 11)
[700 gp] arcane scroll of detect scrying (CL 7)
[7,200 gp] staff of blessed relief [no external clues]
[750 gp] wand of stone fist (CL 1)
[11,250 gp] wand of fireball (CL 5)
[4,315 gp] shatterspike [clue indicates function]
[330 gp] cold iron masterwork longsword [sheds light]
Wondrous Items
[3,200 gp] equestrian belt [clue indicates function]
[2,000 gp] iron spike of safe passage [no external clues]
[2,500 gp] goggles of minute seeing [no external clues]
[2,000 gp] bracers of steadiness [clue indicates function]
[10,000 gp] medusa mask [clue indicates function]
[1,800 gp] all tools vest [clue indicates function]

Grud(16): 9600xp: 1200xp(they keep multiplying)+4800xp(soulpirced at townhall)+3600xp(the 3 lords)
Azim (13): 24050xp: 2600xp+12675xp+8775xp
Report Date
06 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (12): 5400xp/5800gp/ 5dt