The Arbour Kingdom Council - Flamerule Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Arbour Kingdom Council - Flamerule

General Summary

The Arbour Kingdom Council met together to work through the affairs of the kingdom. The kingdom remains stable, with ample gold in the treasury to cover its costs.

No changes to the kingdom's leadership was made. The kingdom expanded its territory and cleared some for their vassal as well. Infrastructure was improved, increasing the food production in the kingdom and bettering its roads. Settlements throughout the kingdom received expansions, with Drake's Harbor making its city more secure. An embassy was built in the Draconia Kingdom. Arbour expanded its armies, and created some buildings to house their warriors.

The Arbour Council sent an official Treaty to the kingdom of Draconia.

No money was taken from the treasury. No money was donated and no items were sold. The kingdom successfully collected taxes.

All was peaceful in the Arbour Kingdom, so no events occured this month.
Report Date
24 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Malen (2): 900xp/400gp/5dt