The Arbour Kingdom Council - Eleint Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Arbour Kingdom Council - Eleint

General Summary

The Arbour Kingdom Council met together to work through the affairs of the kingdom. The kingdom remains stable, with ample gold in the treasury to cover its costs.

Citizenship and building paperwork was approved, and the borders of the kingdom was expanded. A few additional farms were created to help feed the nation, and bridges were constructed for some of the rivers now in the boarders. A new settlement was created, named Fioritura (pronounced Fio-Ri-tora), with buildings constructed inside of the new city.

A alliance was signed with Draconia, bringing the two countries aligned with each other in a declaration of cooperation.

No money was taken from the treasury. No money was donated and no items were sold. The kingdom successfully collected taxes.

The council came together wanting to strike a blow against the giant aggressors in the north. After having collected some information, they found out that the bulk of the ground forces were made of a large orc clan, run by Chief Naguuk. If they could convince him to leave the side of the giants, it would diminsh their offensive forces.

Taking flight to the mountain after Tiff and Nightfall used magic to locate the direction of the chief's current whereabouts. On their way up the mountain, they encountered a few giants guarding what looked like orc encampments. Through a surprise attack, the cloud giants on the ground hardly got a minute to react before they greeted their afterlife. Raffyr approached one of the orcs that had greeted him, Xuxgor, who told him that his father currently leads the orcs, but if his brother and father were to be removed, he would lead the clan away from the giants. Xuxgor claimed they were just bloodthirsty, and are leading their clan into ruin. Raffyr made no promises, but said he would seek what he could do.

Traveling further up the mountain, they noticed additional giants who began to bombard them with stones. Hitting Nightfall's chariot, the party plummeted to the ground before gathering themselves and making short work once they got into range. Exploring a nearby cave, they found the second son of the cheif, an orc named Arob. Rico challenged this orc to a duel, and in the ensuing fight, became a puddle of red gore in the freshly lain snow.

Continuing onto the location of the orc they were looking for, they came across an abandoned graveyard guarded by two storm giants. Much more willing to chat, Rico and Raffyr took some time to appeal to their good nature. Though an unfortunate attack from Nightfall almost ruined the possibility of talking it through, Raffyr and Rico were able to talk it through and avoid unnecessary bloodshed. The giant agreed to leave, abandoning their post and heading down the mountain. During this time, Nightfall approached Chief Naguuk, who confirmed he was not imprisoned and could leave whenever he wished. Nightfall quickly locked him up, which he was unhappy to be trapped. Breaking down the door and angered, he threw a weapon at the person he thought had locked him up, Tiff. A fight broke out, in which he almost took the life of Meako were it not for some quick intervention from both Raffyr and Tiff.

After slaying the orc clan leader, the party returned and informed Xuxgor that he is now the leader of the orcs. He vowed to return a favor should they ever call on them, and headed out to the newly established city in Arbour, though unsure how long they will stay.

Rewards Granted

37 pp, 576 gp, 1618 sp, 1818 cp

[4,250 gp] +2 quilted cloth armor
[350 gp] masterwork splint mail
[1,180 gp] +1 tower shield
[350 gp] masterwork breastplate
[750 gp] masterwork half-plate
[200 gp] masterwork scale mail
[1,153 gp] +1 light wooden shield

[50 gp] potion/oil of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[750 gp] potion/oil of countless eyes (CL 5)
[50 gp] potion/oil of protection from good (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of guidance (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of virtue (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of arcane mark (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of light (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of touch of the sea (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of light (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of ant haul (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of virtue (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of sanctuary (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of cloak of the shade (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of arcane mark (CL 1)

[375 gp] arcane scroll of phantom steed (CL 5)

[2,000 gp] wand of curse water (CL 1)
[4,500 gp] wand of chill metal (CL 3)

[18,330 gp] +1 unholy shortbow [no light or external clues]
[320 gp] masterwork greataxe
[2,315 gp] +1 longsword [sheds light]
[2,310 gp] +1 lance [sheds light]
[302 gp] masterwork dagger
[301 gp] masterwork shortspear

[12,000 gp] grounding rod [no external clues]
[5,000 gp] sorcerer's robe [no external clues]
[2,000 gp] horn of fog [no external clues]

Raffyr (17): 2211xp = 383 (Abushing giants) + 383 (rocks come crashing down) + 255 (orc duel) + 510 (giant talks) + 680 (orc leader)
Rico (16):2880xp = 480 + 480 + 320 + 640 + 960
Tiff(15): 4050xp = 675 + 675 + 450 + 900 + 1350
Nightfall (12): 9000xp = 1440 + 1440 + 1080 + 2160 + 2880
Meako (11): 11880xp = 1980 + 1980 + 1320 + 2640 + 3960
Report Date
27 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Malen (3):1350xp/575gp/5DT