The Arbour Kingdom Council - Eleasias Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Arbour Kingdom Council - Eleasias

General Summary

The Arbour Kingdom Council met together to work through the affairs of the kingdom. The kingdom remains stable, with ample gold in the treasury to cover its costs.

Due to deteriorating relationships with the Hobgoblin Nation, Meako was relieved of his role as Marshal, replaced by a halfling named Parvus Auris. The kingdom expanded its territory and cleared some for their vassal as well. Moats were constructed between districts in Xiomara and the kingdom created additional roads. Farms and fisheries were constructed for the kingdom, and additional armies were created.

No money was taken from the treasury. No money was donated and no items were sold. The kingdom successfully collected taxes.

During the meeting of the council, they received word that a visitor wanted to speak to the council about giving the kingdom a gift. The council met in the throne room, and found before themselves a well dressed man in black and red, a human named Rardak. He wished to build for the city a shrine to Asmodeus, one that he would personally pay to place, and in exchange for allowing them to stay, they would provide spellcasting services and members of his church as expert negotiators. The council asked for a moment to talk, and though there were those who opposed the idea, ultimately it was decided that giving them the option for oversight instead of a cult forming was the best decision.

Returning to Rardak, they told them that they would allow it, however they were not to violate Arbour law, and that any deals in exchange for souls had to outline the value of the soul. Rardak agreed, provided a contract, and construction began.
Report Date
29 Aug 2022

Dungeon Master

Malen (2): 900xp/400gp/5DT