Recover Some Property - An Afternoon of Delight Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Recover Some Property - An Afternoon of Delight

General Summary

A group of n'er-do-wells met up at the Burned Bridges Inn to take on a job from a flyer posted by the mysterious "M.M." Searching the docks, they found a large warehouse run by Mavron Mews, a "legitmate businessman" and loanshark. He spun them a tale about some stolen property but Anathema convinced him to share the whole story: the shipment he wanted them to hold up the payroll for the guards in Warhaven in response for their captain accepting a "donation" from Mavron and not holding up his end. This information didn't bother the party and after agreeing to his terms, they set out ahead of the carriage to lay in wait in the perfect spot--they would attack in daylight, but far from the eyes of pilgrims and farmers.   Unfortunately, the felled tree and Inva's spell didn't stop the skeletal driver, so the bandits leaped out and attacked. A few of Lorenzo's tricks and Astrid's fire quickly dispatched the guards, leaving a lone mercenary mage inside who gave them a bit of trouble from inside her mist-filled carriage. Eventually the rogues overwhelmed her and claimed their prize: a gold-filled chest with a badger inside! Though agitated by Astrid's attempts to batter open the lock, the feral animal was put down quickly.   The party decide to dispose of the evidence by sacrificing the horses and carriage to the Void, a pilgrimage site nearby. A prayer and a few words from Inva convinced the cultists of their sincerity and all evidence was disposed of... Save a written contract revealing the payroll to be bound for Warhaven's guards.   Returning to West Haven, the blood-covered bandits divided the gold in front of Mavron and gave him the contract as well. He was impressed by their loyalty, and their discretion, and enjoyed their story of disposing of the evidence. After burning the contract, Mavron Mews promised them more work and asked for their calling card. Thus, the "Afternoon Assassins" were born.

Rewards Granted

600 Sovereigns (gp)
[285 gp] Wand of Mage Armor (cl 1; 19 charges)
[320 gp] Masterwork Rapier (decorated with arcane symbols)

Astrid (3), Anathema (1), Inva (1), Lorenzo (1): 338 XP each = 75 (got the whole story) + 75 (skeleton archers) + 150 (merc mage) + 38 (honey badger don't give a fukk)

Astrid shifts to:
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Anathema shifts to:
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Inva's alignment does not shift.
Lorenzo shifts to:
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Report Date
03 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nihilus (16): 7,200xp/16,000gp/5dt