Ougha Character in Pandora | World Anvil

Ougha (OO-gah)

Ougha Goth Ro Zajar

Ougha Goth Ro Zajar, Torch of the Faith, from the Flaming Brazier of Eltabbar, of the Brothers & Sisters of the purifying flame is a towering figure. At 6'10'', he is on the tall side of even half-orcs. Unlike most half-orc's though, Ougha's build is more athlete than bulldog. He inherited from his human mother a charm and elegance that not even his fathers orc blood could completely overtake. He can always be seen with robes emblazed with the symbol of Kossuth, the elemental fire lord, and a large iron flame holy symbol. His staff is engraved with similar runes.   Fire is Ougha's life. Its destructive power, its purifying radiance, its warming presence. It is rare to see him without it.