Origin of the Species: Air Genasi, First Expedition Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Origin of the Species: Air Genasi, First Expedition

General Summary

Dearest Captain,

I presume you have received you share of the sale of the slaver airship. I further presume that you're considering having no more to do with any further expeditions of mine, as is your right, but I would like to provide some assurances that future business between us will prove beneficial.

Firstly, your arrangment with Abkheset was disrupted, yes, but it can be repaired. Your mighty vessel's reputation might be restored by a change in nomenclature and a fresh coat of varnish! I have seen many a crew perform much the same ploy: A so called Daring Valkyrie or somesuch now calls itself the Alluring Vixen and has found ample new opportunities since the change.

Secondly, new markets are always on the horizon! Yes, Abkheset has been a reliable source of sales for some time, but I assure you, there are others. This "Rogue's Harbor" in the west, for instance. Or cut out the middleman and acquire more product yourself. For a fee, I can provide assistance in this endeavor.

Thirdly, you need not concern yourself with any further issues with Azim and his fellows as I have released them from my employ. Also, they are most-assuredly dead. I shan't be taking any of those whose unreliable nature led them to chase that Rico fellow to the Elemental Plane of Fire. That they galavanted around a bit in a chariot in the City of Brass before shifting back to Pandora is mostly hearsay. Even their own friend, an amphibous sentient known as Bullgup, was unable to scry upon them, so they either perished or deposited themselves into a dead magic zone. In any case, they are no longer our concern.

Fourthly, while Azim's kneejerk reaction to the efreeti's disregard for product safety was regrettable, he, that is, the item in question, was recovered by one of the other mercenaries. Again, I cannot claim responsibility for their subsequent attack on the efreeti crew. Their captain's choice to utilize one of its wishes to spurn this Wyvernspur fellow to gods-know-where unfortunately only emboldened nearly all of the remaining party to slaughter the other crew and make an extraplanar excursion in the middle of our own voyage was unfortunate, but the ransom of the efreeti ship back to Abkheset no doubt compensated you for any loss.

With these assurances in mind, it is my desire to employ you upon another journey, and I intend only to employ those with the utmost discretion without slavish obedience to either morality or to their own vices. These may include Bullgup and Rayland, and will certainly disinclude the naively-heroic Azim, Rico, Maria Nightfall, and Parvus/Meako.

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, and may the enclosed spirits do the trick. As well as a signed copy of one of my works.

Pall Gar, Philo-Archaeologist

Rewards Granted

[12,000 gp]

Rico (16): 133 XP (angry wishing bros)
Azim (13): 542 XP
Nightfall (12): 700 XP
Bullgup, Khalid, Meako (11): 917 each

Azim shifts to:
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Bullgup shifts to:
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Khalid shifts to:
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Meako shifts to:
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Nightfall shifts to:
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Rico shifts to:
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Dungeon Master

Nihilus (16): 7,200xp/1,000gp/5dt
Report Date
09 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location