Mayhew's Magnificent Menagerie! Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Mayhew's Magnificent Menagerie!

General Summary

Bullgup found a particular board post to be highly offensive and put out a call for adventurers to join him in freeing the animals of Mayhew's Not-So-Fantastic Menagerie. Prim, Nightfall, and Meako met up with Bullgup at the new Belron's Rest, formally Runa's Garden Escape, to plan their approach.   Heading to Traders Cusp to visit the booth set up in town square, the party met with two rather suspicious workers who couldn't seem to agree on whether or not to allow the party to patron the menagerie. After some conversation, the party "paid" their entry fee (Prim used her skills to pretend to pay, keeping their money) and proceeded through the transportation circle to the forest where the menagerie was located.   Arriving on the other side of the teleportation circle, they were greeted, rather unceremoniously, by another menagerie worker who was also suspicious. A strange growl from the forest changed his attitude around and he directed the party to the wagon ride that would take them further into the forest to the menagerie. Oddly, the wagon was pulled by four humans with a strange faraway look in their eye.   Arriving, they found the festival grounds of the menagerie to be abandoned. A layer of dust covered the souvenir tent and there were no other patrons around. Thanks to Nightfall's conjured eagle they were able to at least determine the presence of cages. Something was very off about this place.   Both Bullgup and Prim's cohort, through their magic, took note of at least one cage that contained, not an animal, but a human. Not bringing attention to that particular detail they proceeded to the stump of a large aspen tree to speak with the awakened grizzly bear who reigned over this "menagerie."   At first, Bullgup thought he and Benson the BarBEARian would become allies if not friends. Benson, having once been an enslaved creature, was awakened by a kind spellcaster, and succeeded in his revolt against his capturers. Now caring for the freed animals he continued to add to the menagerie by the way of trapping humanoid patrons. He intended to keep up the enterprise and had only allowed Bullgup and the party to remain free (for the moment) because he had overheard their intent to free animals. Thinking them a potential business partner, Benson gave them a tour of the caged humanoids. Things seemed to be going in Benson's favor until Prim asked about the children. Admitting to handing the children over to the animals as food, Prim decided that was too much and attacked. The party was able to overcome Benson with ease. They freed the humanoids, fed them, and reunited them with their family members.   Bullgup took mercy on Benson and stabalized him. Before leaving the area, he left a note for Benson, in hopes that they could work together to support nature. That is if Benson could set aside his child-eating ways.

Rewards Granted

[4,000 gp] cloak of resistance (+2)
[4,000 gp] headband of intelligence (+2)
[4,000 gp] belt of giant strength (+2)
[200 gp] breastplate
[18,000 gp] amulet of natural armor (+3) [no external clues]
[50 gp] potion/oil of touch of the sea (CL 1)
[4,500 gp] wand of owl's wisdom (CL 3)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of magic circle against good (CL 5)
[750 gp] potion/oil of burrow (CL 5)
Nightfall (ECL 13): 3,900= 975 (Shady Characters) + 2925 (Benson the BarBEARian)
Bullgup, Prim, Meako (ECL 12): 4,950= 1350 + 3600
Report Date
20 May 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Evette (ECL 3): 1350xp/575gp/5dt