Let's go exploring! Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Let's go exploring!

General Summary

Meako decide he wanted to go out and explorer fill a bit more of the map out, not too thoroughly thou, so he gathered up a party at the flame of the forest inn, consisting of Alastari, Celeb and a newcomer Sieglyn, to go up north and see what was there, the journay was mostly fine beside Celeb side eyeing the tiefling Alastari, until they came across some animal foodprints meako decide to go follow wanting to get the party dinner, however before he got too far, someone stepped too close to a mandragora and it let out its sickning shirk, and then immerdiatly going for the spellcaster in the back grabbing onto his ankels and sucking his blood out, the Meako quickly got the stomach under controll and let arrows fly at it, so it wasn't long til the mandragora was slain and the party contuined onward.
next they saw a snow leopard presumably hungery trying to sneak up on them, it quickly pounced onto Meako letting out its furry, soon after another sprung from the snow that managed to be unseen and went for Celeb, they were both swiftly dealt with, Meako quickly shot holes in one of them and Alastari put the other to sleep, and Celeb quickly took the chance to kill the poor animal.
they slept out nothing of note, the next day they came across a beutifull small frozen lake that Celeb daringly went out onto, not the wisest of decisions as a hugh Remorhazsprung up from the frozen lake, in a burst of steam trying to swallow him whole, he managed to dodge it, and then to his terror it seemed as if there were seven, luckly or parhaps not, it was simply miror images, the party fought valiently widdling down it miror images and even managed to hit it a couple times however any arrow head that hit would melt and the arrow itself would instantly catch fire and burn away, even Celeb agent blade ended up mealting away as he hit the creature.
luckly Celeb was a good adventure and had brought rope, he had tied around himself and given the other end to the cleric Sieglyn it was meant for if he was to fall in but instead it was used to suddenly drag him out of the creatures reach as the party made a run for it, the creature running after them in anger making the snow around it turn into steam but they were too quick and soon the creature gave up and returned to its den to fight another day.

Rewards Granted

Coins: 0 pp, 69 gp, 779 sp, 3,487 cp
[70 gp] unworked amber (worth 35 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[110 gp] unworked jet (worth 55 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[55 gp] onyx
[1,200 gp] sapphire
[25 gp] potion/oil of light (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of guidance (CL 1)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of acid splash (CL 1)
[375 gp] divine scroll of plant growth (CL 5)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of shock shield (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of detect undead (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of magic missile (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of corrosive touch (CL 1)
[170 gp] masterwork heavy steel shield
[157 gp] masterwork heavy wooden shield

Alastari, Meako(5): 625: 250(dang mandragora)+375(snow leopards)+0(super heated centipede)
Celeb, Sieglyn (3): 788: 338+450+0

Character(s) interacted with


Dungeon Master

Nightfall (6): 2700 xp/1300 gp/ 5dt
Report Date
17 Dec 2021
Primary Location
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