Kingdom game - The Kingdom of Arbour - October Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Kingdom game - The Kingdom of Arbour - October

General Summary

The council met in The Ashen Keep, with Rico and Castien notably absent. Despite a few members of leadership missing, the kingdom remains strong and stable, with its people pledging unwavering loyalty.
Xuxgor approached the kingdom leaders, asking for a spot on the council so that he can best represent his people as they have recently settled within the kingdom. The leaders agreed, and created a position for him as Bulwark of the East.
  The country upgrade some of their roads into highways, and built walls and a hospital in Fioritura.
  With Xuxgor's representation on the council, Arbour was able to recruit an army of orcs into their ranks.  
The kingdom was able to successfully collect taxes, and their coffers remain full.  
The week settles with nothing new happening within the kingdom.

Dungeon Master

Covak (12): 5400xp/5800gp/5dt